DIY School Supplies! 10 Weird DIY Crafts for Back to School with DIY Lover!

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DIY School Supplies! In this DIY back to school video I show you 10 awesome DIY School Supplies crafts. These DIY School Supplies are unique, creative and a bit crazy. Perfect to make your going back to school fun and exciting. Whether you are going to middle school or high school, this DIY school supplies life hacks will get all kids and teenagers ready for back to school.

In this back to school life hacks video I show you how to make a couple of DIY pencil cases. First one is made out of empty bottles. This DIY pencil case is so affordable and easy to make. You can leave it plain like me or you can decorate it with stickers or markers. Another DIY pencil case is made out of your favorite candy bag. Candy packages are always so pretty and colorful. I am so happy that in this DIY school supplies video I can teach you how to make an awesome DIY pencil case out of your favorite candy bag.

Another must-have when going back to school are notebooks. I show you three DIY notebooks life hacks in this DIY school supplies video. The first one is the DIY liquid notebook, which is hands down the most amazing notebook I have ever seen. This notebook is so glittery, sparkly and gorgeous. Plus it's pretty easy to make too. Other two DIY nootebooks ideas are made using potato stamping. I show you how to make gorgeous DIY notebooks for back to school using potatos. I created a DIY watermellon notebook and a DIY triangle notebook.

You also need a DIY school bag when going back to school. In this DIY school supplies video I show you how to transform a plain backpack into a gorgeous DIY rainbow snapchat filter school bag. I love how this one turned out and all you need to make it is some acryllic or fabric paint.

What else do we need when going back to school? DIY pens and pencils of course! I show you how to make the world's most beautiful liquid bendable glittery pens. These are seriously so much fun to make and so unique. So if you nat to have the most epic pens at your school, this is definitely a must-try DIY for you. Another super creative idea is a DIY lipstick pencil. They have your favorite lipstick on top instead of an eraser. How cool, right? These DIY pencils are so easy and cute.

Last but definitely not least I also show you a couple DIY school supplies organizers for your desk. First one is made out of jeans.When you are making shorts out of old jeans we always just use the top part. This is a great DIY that makes use of the bottom part of your jeans! This DIY desk organizer is so pretty, handy and easy to make. The other DIY organizer idea is a DIY notebook holder made out of empty cereal box. All you need is a cereal box, some wrapping paper and a few pieces of tape. This DIY notebook organizer will keep your desk tidy, while it also gives a nice pop of color to your room.

I hope this video shows you that you don't need to spend a ton of money and for school supplies. Because you can make so much more epic and unique DIY school school supplies that you could ever buy in a store.

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#School #DIY #SaraBeautyCorner

Disclaimer: This family friendly video is made for teenagers and adults. Tools used in the tutorials include hot glue, crafting knife and other objects, which are not suitable for people under 13 years old.
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It's 2am and I was almost sleeping but suddenly I remembered of how much I watched this channel and wanted to do all the tutorials to go to school and become the coolest kid there


Thank you so much for being part of my childhood, Sara. You and many other youtubers created my childhood and you always inspired me, although i never got to actually do these DIYs. Only a few days ago was when i thought to watch the things i used to watch, such as troom troom and such.


i remember when i would watch these as a little kid! i used to always think that the pencil erasers were actually lipstick! thank you sara for entertaining me whenever i needed it. you were such a big part of my childhood. never stop being yourself ❤


Who used to watch her when they were kids and is now watching in 2024? ❤


Yay for the Back to School season ;) I hope that these DIY school supplies made you a bit more excited and motivated for the new school year. I loved DIY-ing these crazy school supplies haha. If you make any of the crafts don't forget to send me pictures on my social media. I want to see your recreations, give you likes, comments and all that good stuff :D Love you all <3 Follow me on Instagram to see more about my everyday life: @sarabeautycorner


Sara has the most epic introductions out of anybody on YouTube. That is a fact.


Sara was my child hood I would watch her for hours so now I’m just binge watching all my childhood videos


I love how Sara talks !!
Does anyone agree with me??👍😊💖


I use to watch your channel the time I have been looking for it forever and I finally found it


I miss school I'm sad I'm gonna graduate soon. Always loved preparing for school with your DIYS, not to mention the many compliments I once got. Thank you Sara for making high-school the best years of my life with your fun colorful DIYS. 💕


i cant tell you how much i wanted to try these as a little kid, these videos are so nostalgic. thanks, sara ❤️


I'm a grandma and these ideas will be fun to share with my granddaughter.


When I first saw this I couldn't understand English, but now I recognize how good of an influence she is for kids! "just kidding, that's a lot of sugar" and "you're just as pretty as you are" are such good messages for kids that they need to hear


I watched this 2 years ago, lost this channel and found it again today and watched it! So many memories!


People who are here just for the nostalgia


I hate school but I like preparing for it😂😂😂


Sara: “I remember using potatoes as stamps in primary school”

My teacher in grade 2: *alright children time to paint a portrait of Queen Victoria*


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I can't wait to try these. Anyone watching this in 2020 quarintine.


I'm still watching in 2019, and these are do amazing crafts😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗
