Radioactive Iodine (RAI) | Pharmacology Help for Nursing Students

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A message from Kristine, founder of NurseInTheMaking📣
My name is Kristine and I survived nursing school…and you can too!
Nurse In The Making was inspired during my time in nursing school. I immediately struggled and decided to create my own study guides. These guides have helped me personally as well as many others make nursing school just a little more manageable.I hope you find comfort knowing that everyone struggles at times. Nursing school is emotionally and physically draining. I hope these informative, clean, and simple guides help you navigate through all the information because there is A LOT of it in nursing school.

Happy Studying Future Nurses. Don't forget to enjoy the journey!
Рекомендации по теме

I'm in nursing school and had to take a break for my cancer treatment. I had graves disease and thyroid cancer and just had my thyroid and 12 cancerous nodules removed from my neck. I'm getting RAI treatment in 5 weeks so this video had great timing! Thank you so much!


Thank you for making videos like this. It's a great help for us. Hopefully, you can make videos on how to prepare and administer medications (pedia & adult). Thank you so much.😊


This videos, along with your flash cards I just got, are going to boost my GPA significantly. Thanks!


What is the quantity of RAI given in one injection as i was given 3 dose of injection orally please explain. Thank you


Where was this informatiom when I had to go threw radioactive iodine. They never told me to isolate or give me much info they told me to drink it and gave me a card and sent me on my way.🤦‍♀️.
Thank you for giving me the information I actually needed to hear even if it is 12 years later. All I got told was take your meds for the rest of your life, 😂


Is it too late to pursue nursing at 27 yrs old?
