Allina Nurses Reject Contract Offer

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The Minnesota Nurses Association expects the ongoing Allina Health nurses strike to be the longest of its kind in state history, reports Nina Moini.
WCCO 4 News At 6 – October 4, 2016
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I am proud of the Nurses Union to stand they're ground & demand to be nagotiated with in the manner that they perceive them selves to be valued & owned & operated. By that I mean they want respect & given a just fair resource for they're own health care needs, & as Nurses they have a sound take on how that plays out for them & family. Bottom line if any one dare listen. Health care is to darn expensive & there is a because. Because it is highly geared to extort as much money from any & all patients. 5% of all Medical diagnoses is wrong, fine. But that wrong diagnoses then lets loose a barage for tests, & Drug therapies that are not nescasary or in fact HEALTHY. Like colestral lowering drugs are a total scam, & vile approach to sell Drugs. But you know this even with your heads up your asses clicking your heals together declaring they're's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home... So do this Nurses open up store front Clinics allowed by Minnesota rules & do as the late Reine Caisse did when she treated Cancer with a ancient Ojibawa Tea. Create sweat lodges. Hipocrates said "give me the power to induce a fever & I can cure anything." Knowing the immune system reves up in fever. Ed McCabe has a great book on Oxygen therapies something that is so forboden from the Great Medical Doctor Menu of cares. You must fight those Allina Money whores where they live divert there Money into your own Medical Practice make me your Union leader, & voice. Trust me I am & have a voice. The evil doers are poised to create major hardship on all of us with U.N. affiliations & such. Americans are known as Freedom seekers & Freedom that immulates to the rest of the world our stance to defend it against all opposers fogrein & domestic as are the idiots in Let me give you some Purple Rain. I will piss on the hole game & make the down trodden idiots watching A & E filthy TV wake up. I do not give my fellow American the rite to be apathetic whores without first bitch slapping the hell out of them as need be. Fight. Take their Money away. Beat them in their wallets & purses. Read a book on Minerals & join Dr.Joel Wallach by personal choice for next surgeon General as King of America I have spoken.
