Fixing America's Health Care System Amid Crisis | Morning Joe | MSNBC

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Healthcare executive Dr. Vivian Lee joins Morning Joe to discuss the impact the coronavirus has had on the country's health care workers and her new book 'The Long Fix.' Aired on 05/26/2020.

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Fixing America's Health Care System Amid Crisis | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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When I look at the disgrace that is the U.S. health care system, I am glad I'm in Canada. Our health care is paid for through taxes. As a result, I can go to the doctor, hospital, diagnostic tests and more, at no cost to me.


t’rump in 2016: “I alone can fix things!”
t’rump in 2020: “You are all on your own.”


I wonder how a medical system maximized for the best health outcomes differs from a health care system designed to maximize profit.


Never, ever will it be fixed when so much money to make?


America needs to work out how to pay for Healthcare?
That's the only part you've got right!
The USA pays more per person for healthcare than any other OECD country. And gets worse results. But your Insurance Providers, Pharma Companies & Healthcare Providers are more profitable than any one else's. That's the part you should worry about..


Oh FFS You people how hard is it to understand that a universal health care system is best... look to your neighbour up north


This virus will teach us plenty. We will act on none of it. Back to business as usual.


Have an NHS like we have in the UK. A percentage of your wage a month and you are covered for anything.


Still fighting first wave, talking about the second wave...??!!??


Healthcare costs so much because of frivolous litigation, malpractice insurance, and politicians limiting competition. Get rid of lawyers and politicians to get the price down 50%.


Senegal adopted the early-stage treatment protocol developed by Dr. Raoult as a national Covid-19 policy. They have obtained superior national results as compared to the U.S., France, G. Britain, Belgium, Spain, Italy, etc and other countries with much larger budgets.


I'm not a caregiver but I am stuck playing one at the property where I live, I was supposed to just cook, did I mention that I don't get paid either.


In the U.K. because we have a socialised healthcare system we were able to transfer all the drs and nurses to different roles during covid. Not a single dr or nurse was laid off.


The only solution of all problems of the USA and the world, eliminate corruption. But this is Eutopia, the USA had the chance to elect an honest man, Bernie Sanders, but they chose corruption once more. Remember Joseph Maistre, “The peoples have the governments that they deserve”


We can NOT fix our ailing healthcare system until we guarantee all Americans have health insurance at an affordable price. We need at the very least to have a reinvigorated ACA with greatly expanded Medicaid and a Medicare public option. I also favor lowering the Medicare age to 50. Medicare is NOT welfare but a government insurance program people pay their taxes into and pay premiums into the system. We can expanded Medicaid so all people in the lower median income group of about $60k per year can be eligible for a basic family Medicaid program. People who still choose private insurance can get private insurance on a health insurance exchange that stays open year around.

I fully realize we have issues for doctors and nurses with their expensive medical training in our fee for service system. We need to incentivize more doctors and nurse physician assistans into family medicine rather than specialization. However, we need to first get everyone covered with health insurance. This includes dental care, mental health services, and drug/alcohol counseling too. The baseline for making any improvements to our healthcare system can ONLY come from universal health insurance of some type. I can't fix one sixth of our economy in a youtube comments section. Maybe when this good doctor's book reaches the library, I will check it out. But I don't need a book to tell me our current fee for service medical system is broken, evil and victimizes the very patients it purports to help.


PEOPLE ARE COMMERCIAL FED TV HOGS! if you listen to one commercial without muting it, your what is wrong with this world!


The inability of the US health care system to handle this crisis was the very predictable.


Hey America! Civilized developed countries have a great thing called single payer universal health care. It’s not for profit. The idea is to take care of everyone. It’s a good thing. You should try it


biden doesn't support healthcare for all, we deserve better


Health care in Canada which includes seeing a Doctor, a Heart specialist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Spinal Surgeon, the list goes on. having all the test needed including MRI, Cat scan, blood test, surgery and hospitalization at no cost. Before I retired I had two knee replacements, hospital care and out patient physiotherapy, My last surgery I had complications and I had a home nurse visiting me, at no cost. How much would that cost in the U.S. An I didn't go bankrupt or lose my home to high medical bills. An in Ontario at age 65 for our seniors we have the Ontario Drug Benefit program which cover my drugs. Now I, m a pensioner an I can enjoy my golden years without any worries how I am going to pay my medical bills. We Canadians may pay more in Taxes but its worth every penny when we get ill.
