Worship Tech Tour - Wellspring Church

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For this week's Worship Tech Tour, Jake and I visited Wellspring Church, an Anglican church here in Colorado. Touring this tech setup shattered a lot of my beliefs about the traditional church and the place new technology has with traditional values. It is entirely possible to adhere to traditional worship while adapting new technology to enhance worship and make life easier for volunteers.

Everything about this set up is super intentional. You're going to want to see this.
All Gear Mentioned In Video (by order of appearance):

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Looks like a well balanced approach to what tech a normal sized church needs, not desires. Love the fact that the system has been assembled with the prime intention of being operated by people who just need to press the appropiate button when the time arises. No need with this system to spend hours programming Ableton for tracks and lighting etc. The worship band just get up there and play with what they have. GREAT


I am impressed by their emphasis on simplicity and quality. They're not afraid to spend some serious dime where it counts, but they win in the end since they're not having to continually upgrade or fix things.


If you ever get a chance to come to the uk, you will see how almost all churches have a single camera and a couple mics, if you can, come to Cambridge, there are some really ancient buildings there.

St Catharine’S college Cambridge is the chapel where I run the tech for special services. I think it would be an eye opener into church of england and more general Anglicanism.
OLEM is the Catholic Church that serves most of Cambridge which has some slightly more advanced tech.
At certain times in the year, Kings college chapel has some incredible tech.

P.S. we have an organ, a like almost all churches in the uk.


Thanks for sharing this! I feel like it's rare to see the tech solutions of small to medium-sized churches, where simplicity and functionality are the focus. This is one of the first videos about church tech that I watched and thought, "okay, we could do that at our church". Most church tech seems really out of reach, financially. I also really appreciate their focus on volunteers and trying to reduce the barrier of entry for people who want to serve in production.


Awesome tour! I also run tech and lead worship at a liturgical church and it is really good to see how other churches similar to mine implement sound and media into worship services. keep it up.


I too, like others, love this series. Seeing how others meet the tech challenge and the equipment they use is encouraging.


Thanks so much for this. Spot on about the transitions between sung and spoken word - for us these transitions (all those mutings and un-mutings!) are where so many of the sound issues crop up on Sunday mornings. (We're in a evangelical Church of England church; there has been a church on the site for at least 700 years; the earliest "church tech" we know of in our case was a barrel organ that they were using by 1803 - long since replaced!)


Overall, I really love this Tech Tour series! Thanks Jake!
A magazine I used to subscribe to used to only present large, very expensive church installs. Seeing as how most churches are less than 200 members, this is a great presentation of what that size of church uses and the costs associated with it. Thanks again!


Keeping it real...and simple...real simple is a good thing.


That Elgato Stream Deck is legit! Going to look into getting that at my church for my volunteers.


Thank you so much I'm from New York and I'm learning how to use an X32 board and it's sometimes hard but I always get it in the end.


Wonderful... and extremely informative video.... thank you so much for sharing... God bless!


awesome video. so eye opening and helpful. tech should always align with and further the vision of a church. good job wellspring!


I am super, super impressed with this set-up.


Loving the content, such a good Plattform to learn and be inspired by how to use tech and methods to enable worship and Tech Teams! Keep it up and be blessed! 🙌🏻


Great Channel & Great Series. I actively look forward to this series. Next time you're in NC would love to give a tech tour of our church. We are a small 160- 200 people Sunday Morning church in the foothills of the mountains that has decided to be intentional about our worship set up. I just installed a new Allen & Heath SQ5, ab168 expander, Dante card, and full Shure in-ear monitor system. Over the next 5 month's (or when God provides) we plan to trade the electric drums for an acoustic kit, and install actual stage lighting (and remove the old outdoor style spotlights currently in use). This past Sunday was the 1st use of the new SQ5 and wow, that thing is amazing!. Love the channel, keep it up!


This is an amazing video. Thank you for breaking down all of the different equipment and how they all fit together. I play music with a church and this really gives us wonderful ideas for us. Thank you for putting all of this together!!!


Really enjoying these worship tech tours! My husband & I are joining a church revitalization team, and these videos have been so helpful and thought provoking! Hoping to be able to use some of these ideas moving forward in our new church.


Electrostatic discharge?! It’s so good to have some sort of idea what causes this issue!

We have a campus that runs into the same issue with HDMI over Ethernet and I was so dumbfounded how it could be caused by people sitting and standing. The cables are run in the ceiling about 15 ft away from people but a group of 4 teenagers could stand up and down to make the screen blink. So weird


Great to see all of the thought put into everything. The only thing I would strongly disagree with would be the use of Optoma X600 projectors. Our church uses the same projectors. And while they are advertised as 6000 lumens, they are only 1 chip DLP so when displaying anything with color on the projector, it is only displaying around 1, 100 lumens
