hozier setting boundaries for 1 minute and 28 seconds

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What's great about my romantic status - I never speak about it
*mic drop*


Fucking king of keeping his shit together and not getting flustered, even though I know in my heart of hearts that he’s not comfortable.


i've loved him for a while, but he will forever be the only artist who i like more for themselves rather than just their music. it breaks my heart to watch interviews where people dig for his beliefs for relationship status. you're completely right - he sets boundaries respectfully (as he should) and it really inspires me to do the same when family or strangers ask such personal questions too. <3


him saying “I won’t today” in reference showing plants made me giggle blush and swing my little legs around i am down SO bad


Oh to have Hozier send you rap lyrics recited in an old victorian style -


I mean, is it really that hard to believe that celebrities want privacy?? There are some celebrities that don’t want to share their personal life and that’s completely okay, it’s not something they want public and they’re entitled to privacy just like any other human being. It’s just so rude that other people feel like they need to know everything about a celebrity’s life. Is it so hard to believe that Hozier is probably doing something completely normal right now? It’s good that he’s setting boundaries and interviewers need to respect that.


something about him makes me feel like a blushy regency-era young lady who deliberately arranges to be "coincidentally" tending the gardens by the road when he drives past... i don't even know how to explain it in normal-people terms


That first guy genuinely pissed me off. His attitude was so rude oml


Now I'll never know what's beautiful about gospel music.


It's great that he knows how to do this, more people (me included) need to learn how to do it but don't bash the interviewers, digging for information is literally their job (ofc I understand there are those that get nasty real fast)


I like that Irish people say ehm instead of um


Truly love when notable people keep their lives private


Sometimes it really helps to see good examples of people setting boundaries in a polite, firm, healthy way. It's good to learn from the people you don't want to be like, but that usually only gives me a very fragmented picture of what to do instead. Good examples are really important :)


He's very smart. He understands that some people twist what others say.


it fills me with such a sense of pride just to see him be like "no ❤😊" to anything he doesnt wanna do


I am completely enamored with Hozier. At 46 I get all giddy like a school girl with a crush. I would probably become a speechless idiot if I saw him in person. All this said..he exudes kindness, simplicity and realness..with approachability. His smile just melts my composure..LADIES..don't look in those eyes!!!
Ugh is His girl..is a LUCKY Girl indeed!!!


Isn’t it crazy that people like this genuinely exist? Hozier is a real person somewhere on Earth right now, doing something; he’s (presumably) human. I find that crazy. He has this “too good to be true” quality to him… I’m seeing another artist that I believe falls into that category as well—Aurora—in September, and I can’t wait to see her irl and hear her voice directly from her, while I will still not be entirely convinced that she is actually real.

Edit: I wanted to address all those replies that criticise this comment for putting the artists on a pedestal and acting like they’re not even human. The thing is, they amaze me BECAUSE they are human.
It was never my intention to elevate them beyond that, but I guess my art as a writer has to be perfected, because I got overzealous and engaged in hyperboles that didn’t properly express my thoughts. I won’t delete my comment or edit what I said originally, because that feels wrong, but I will attempt to explain what I actually meant to say.
They amaze me because, despite being generally like everyone else, they have put out into the world art that touched my soul. I will never forget Aurora’s songs; never as long as my mind is alive. Living on this planet, I am constantly overwhelmed by how magical humans’ ability to make art is. Aurora and Hozier are symbols of that to me, and when I compliment them I am not trying to say that they are separate from our world—that they are gods. But their art IS something godlike, I reckon… and perhaps creativity is a piece of godliness that is in everyone.
But they have used their creativity so, SO well, and I think that is somewhat special. Sue me, if you want, for thinking they’re just a bit better than many people, because many people are not as good at creating things as they are. I don’t want to highlight that they are extremely rare creatures and nobody else does what they do, I’m simply saying that it is tragically easy to be much worse, and many people ARE worse. Aurora and Hozier deserve to be applauded, because it is so easy for your flaws to be what distinguishes you from others, but they have let their art be what distinguishes them, instead. I wish for that to be true for myself as well, someday.
I hope that this explains what I meant a bit better. Peace and love to anyone who actually read all that, I’m kinda in a “rant your head off on the internet” mood lately. :)


That’s amazing how casually he states his boundaries. I get super nervous that people will get offended but he does it in a way that is so confident and matter of fact it doesn’t seem to take anyone by surprise


I wish someone would praise me for my boundaries 😅🤣


this is my first time seeing this guy's face and hearing him speak. wow. just wow. I somehow didn't believe he was a real person or somehow was expecting him to look/sound different. I'm amazed
