You Are WRONG About 0 Based Indexing

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This is why you should use -1 based indexing like DreamBerd.


Imagine going to a conference in person, to see a speaker lecture in person

and still watching a recording


Fun fact already on minute two.

In Germany we are actually counting floors starting with a a zero floor. "Erdgeschoss": ground floor, "1. Etage" is up one level from ground floor (and now I am already confused what it is in English). So 0 based index systems have been working well for a couple hundred years.


The concept of 'nothing' or 'zero' definitely existed. They just didn't have agreement on how it worked in math (or a system to use it effectively).


Prime at its Prime. I felt the emotions in the end. This is a man truly talking about what is important to him and he does not hide his feelings about this. I admire this fucking guy.


0 makes sense because it's an offset. If you want someone to stand still, you don't tell them to walk 1 mile.


0 base array works great with modulo arithmetic.


my favorite example of 1-based indexing is used where it makes zero sense is intervals in music. if you add together two third intervals you get a fifth interval. 3+3=5. 5+4=8.

the first interval, the unison, is a zero offset


1-based gets nasty the moment you need to do any index arithmetic.
Like let's say you have a pixel array of WxH pixels and you need to generate an index given x and y. With 0-based thats just "x + W * y", while with 1-based it becomes "x + W * (y-1)"

I can't think of any code where 1-based is better beyond it being slightly more intuitive for beginners.


The problem with 1-based is that when you do modulo and integer divide operations, there's a missmatch in indexing. Like if you have an array of 20 items and you want to associate them evenly for like 1000 elements, you'd do items[i % items.length()], this way, it'll always be contained within items. But with 1-indexing, item[40 % 20] = item[0], which would error out.


1-based indexing is significantly worse for higher dimensional arrays.

If I have a cubic 3-dimensional grid of width 16, its way more intuitive to index it like this (0-based):
grid[x + y*16 + z*256]

As opposed to this (1-based):
grid[x + (y-1)*16 + (z-1)*256]


I don't know how I feel about live reactions, it's just...
If I ever go to a Primeagen event, I would like him to talk about something himself, just like the course he made for Frontend Masters


in C the third element of an array is not at a+2, it is between a+2 and a+3. The address point at the start of the object. x[n] refers to the object that is in the memory range between addresses x+n and x+n+1. Once you start giving addresses to the gaps between bytes and not to the bytes themselves everything makes a lot of sense.


I do a lot with SQL. It’s 1 indexed. I think it makes sense for the stuff you do with SQL.
For anything that needs math, actual locations, modulus operator, etc., I am all for 0 index.

Also, thanks for the closing thoughts! No one looking at you now would guess what you had to go through to get to where you are.


"Lua is actually right"
alr fine, ill hear you out but i doubt you will convince me


Tom Scott in his "bodge" video was using lua, it went exactly the way one would expect


As soon as he mentioned the c specification I paused to look it up. C99, c-11, and c-17 all refer to square brackets as subscripting operators, but also refer to the elements of an initializer list as being "indexed". Further, c-2x (since at least August 2022) has all that plus the explicit mention of 0-indexing in relation to bits in the stdbit.h section. Also _Lua_ stores the array portion of tables in an actual c array.



I was coding many years in Matlab (1-based index) and now programming in C++ (0-based, you know...). 1-based index feels indeed more natural for counting, but 0-based index is MUCH more convenient when you do modulo operations. With 1-based indices, you basically always convert your index to a 0-based index, do the modulo operation and than convert it back to a 1-based index. So annoying.... The counting "issue" with 0-based can be fixed relatively easy with ranged-base loops (or STL algorithms).


As a mathematician, some times it's more sensible to start a sequence at 0 (such as a geometric sequence, where the index tells you the power of the common quotient), some times it's more sensible to start a sequence at 1 (such as the harmonic sequence where the index tells you the denominator).

It's the fact that programming languages can't be flexible about it that's the real issue here.


Edgar Dijkstra wrote a great short paper explaining why 0-based is intrinsically better.
Source: EWD831 "Why numbering should start at zero"
