DR Creflo Dollar repents on his teachings about Tithe

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😇3 Types of Tithes ALL Christians need to tithe are:

*1st Tithe and Offerings*

The 1st Tithe is for the support of what God is doing through the ministry He places to serve His Body and to support the individuals doing the work. We can see this functioning when Abram gave Tithes to Melchizedek in Gen 14:18-20 and in the instructions for Israel to give the Tithes to the Levites. *In Hebrews* we see a transition back to the Melchizedekian Priesthood (i.e. *NEW TESTAMENT FORM OF TITHING IS NOW FOR CHURCHES, NOT THE LEVITES* ), providing the Body with Biblical instruction and counsel.

Today, your 1st Tithe (10% of income or profit from your business) should be given to the ministry that is functioning in those roles. This was the main point being made in the book of Hebrews, as the Temple was being destroyed by the Roman Empire, so a case had to be made for Christians to not worry about no longer having Levitical priests to give their tithes, but rather send it to the priests/pastors appointed to represent Jesus Christ in the REPLACEMENT type of priesthood....which is one that does not depend on ancestry, i.e. a priesthood WITHOUT genealogy (aka Melchizedek priesthood).

Offerings are your expression of appreciation, from your heart, to God for the many blessings you experience in your life.

*2nd Tithe*

The 2nd Tithe is for you to use in your celebrating of the Holy days (NOT pagan holidays like Christmas though, but the Biblical ones celebrated by *MESSIANIC CHRISTIANS* / HEBREW ROOTS CHRISTIANS). You can find this in Deut 14:22-27. Only use this money for the feasts listed in the Bible by God, and not for anything else.

This second tithe is not meant to be given to your church. You should hold onto your 2nd Tithe so that you may use it during the Holy Feasts. God even allows you to use it to buy party food and drink, even alcohol 😮, so that you can enjoy the celebrations.

If you have excess 2nd Tithe (any left-over money after the last Holy Feast of the Hebrew calendar year, usually around September in the Gregorian calendar) you can send the excess money to church and ask the church to use it to provide benevolent help to those wanting to come to a Holy Feast locally or abroad, who need help to do so. No, it's not to help the poor buy turkey for Christmas, as that is NOT part of God's appointed Holy Days.

*3rd Tithe*

 The 3rd Tithe is to be donated to the sojourner, the widow and the fatherless twice every 7 years. In other words, the third tithe is to provide for those that are of low income, disadvantaged and in great need. You can find this in Deut 14:28-29. You only need to collect it for 2 years out of every 7 years. So if you start tithing your first tithe this year, then on the subsequent 3rd and 6th year, you will save this ADDITIONAL tithe throughout the third and sixth year...and ideally ask your church to assist you in giving that money to the poor or financially challenged people God leads you to help.

It is very easy to be taken advantage of by some people who claim they need money. So when it comes to who you should be helping with this 3rd tithe money, please seek wise counsel from your pastor. People can be wasting money on the wrong people who might just be too lazy to work or prone to reckless spending. That is why God instructs us to send the 3rd Tithe to the “storehouse, ” the ministry, to be distributed to the widows, poor or disadvantaged people, with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

For more information about the *3 types of Tithes* and also on Offerings please watch the 4-part series that Steve Berkson taught on this rather complex subject:

*Part 1*


God bless you as you seek wisdom and understanding and desire to build a deeper, more intimate and more obedient relationship with God by taking the time to spend learning about the *3 types of Tithes* and then eventually practicing them as you get used to them. God never expected anyone to learn and obey all His commandments at once. He teaches us in stages, just like we teach our children numbers and alphabets, and then how to count, multiply, do algebra and calculus, and read, write, spell etc. "Precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, line upon line". It's called maturing in Christ, going from basic food like milk to solid food like meat. That is why God started out by giving His people only 10 commandments *to start off with* . Then once they'd learnt it, almost each time Moses went to spend time with God, God would give him yet more laws to teach the people, until it reached 613 commandments of do's and dont's. Apostle Paul did not expect new believers to be able to instantly learn and obey all these commandments. He knew it could take years of weekly study of these laws before the new Christians would reach his own level of maturity and obedience. This was why Apostle Paul instructed all Christians to learn all the laws of Moses by attending Bible study every week, as written in Acts 15 :21.

So don't worry yourself if you need to take a long time to learn and start obeying the laws of the 3 tithes. Remember...precept upon precept...line upon line...from milk to solid meat 😍

God bless you abundantly as you obey His tithing commands, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙇😇

Apostle Paul expects Christians to obey the laws of Moses that still apply today. So read the weekly Torah portion as Christians because Apostle Paul expects you to do so, as stipulated in Acts 15:21.

Let us see who can now discredit Torah observance as "an old testament law of Moses that no longer applies to us".

Christians habitually ignore the most important verse in Acts 15! Verse 21: Paraphrased “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20 Instead we should write to them, telling them to [ *START* by only immediately obeying these first few OLD TESTAMENT laws of Moses to] abstain from food polluted by idols,  from sexual immorality,  from the meat of strangled animals and from blood. 21 [THEN AS THEY ATTEND CHURCH EVERY WEEK THEY WILL LEARN MORE LAWS OF MOSES AND BE ABLE TO OBEY THEM WITH SPIRITUAL MATURITY, INCLUDING THE LAW OF TITHING] because the law of Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and it IS READ [OUT LOUD TO TEACH BELIEVERS GOD'S LAWS] in the synagogues on every Sabbath (church service).”

So there you have it!!!! Christians were and ARE expected to learn the laws of Moses and obey them, as they grow in the knowledge of God's laws by *BIBLE STUDY* ....of the weekly Torah portions read in Jewish synagogues. There were about 613 laws of Moses. The council of Apostles in Acts 15 just picked the most important laws for the new gentile converts to start obeying IMMEDIATELY, which are LAWS OF MOSES, and they expected them to learn the rest by attending church every week where the full laws of Moses is read as part of the weekly Torah portions. This is also confirmed by Yeshua / Jesus Christ Himself, that YOU SHOULD OBEY THE LAWS OF MOSES (which includes tithing) when Jesus INSTRUCTS US:

"The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. [So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach."
Matthew 23:2-3


Jesus said "If you love me keep My commandments! Whoever [MAKES THE EFFORT TO LEARN] is the one who loves Me.
John 14:15, 21
(Part 2 is below)
