What If Sophia Never Died? #thewalkingdead

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Carl would have been a lot less angsty at the prison LMAO


Sophia lasted longer than Carol in the comics I believe. She made it till the end and had a family with Carl I read up.


Notice how she has a burn on her left shoulder, just like rick said, “keep the sun on your left shoulder.”


Sophia lives in the comics. It’s Carol who dies during the prison era but they changed it in the show and later switched Carol’s story with Andrea as Andrea is the groups best shot in the comics when they get to Alexandria. Sophia was even at the lineup when we meet Negan.


The wait for these videos everyday are worth it.


Wouldn't that mean that carl wouldn't have gotten shot since the reason they were out in the woods was to look for Sophia? Then they never would've found the barn and continued on the highway


Its funny how, judith never dies in any of these 😂


Sophia lives, when the group gets to Alexandria Carl and her are together so he doesn’t get with Enid, maybe Enid and Ron get closer than they did, maybe Ron and Enid are doing their own thing instead of walking with Walker guys, which means Carl may not lose his eye, Carl might have had Sophia with him when he met Siddiq and then wouldn’t have died maybe

Maybe then during the festival, have Sophia and Alden die instead of Enid and Henry, then Henry and Carl are around at the same time, give them a Rick/Morgan esque relationship

Sophia and Carl and Henry deserved better, Kirkman didn’t know what to do with her either, I would’ve had her and Beth be friends, maybe have Carl, Sophia and Beth be there for Judith’s birth, Sophia and Beth could’ve had similar vibes to the twins of Hershel’s in the comics

Have Sophia get into Vet stuff with Hershel, have her be there during the virus stuff at the prison helping treat quarantined people, then maybe she helps Ezekiel with his clinic at the Commonwealth if she lives that long, lotta untapped potential with Sophia

I really wish Carl hadn’t died, I think Chandler Riggs didn’t really do the “badass Carl” as good as he did the lore emotional sides of Carl, I would’ve liked to see more of the hardcore Carl stuff given to Henry, have Carl get closer with the more philosophical members like Morgan and Hershel and Ezekiel and Eugene, I would’ve loved to see Carl rock a similar ponytail to Eugene and an eyepatch with a similar outfit to Eugene’s in the Season 9 premiere, I think that would’ve been a good look for Chandler, they didn’t play to his strengths at all, even if we knock him points for stopping acting classes for a couple years, they didn’t write the child characters well very often


I think the only thing that would've made since for an alternative take on her fate regarding the whole farm thing was if she still got lost but either Daryl found her when he was searching for her or he still got hurt looking for her but ironically unlike what Shane said, Daryl had actually scared her into making her way towards Hershal's farm, as her running off out of fear rather then staying still kinda made sense because a child's fears are highly irrationally.

That being said the Randall thing in my opinion would've also been different as I feel that search for Sophia was practically the basis for their split at least from a logical perspective I mean- (Since they'd have more children to defend and not trusting Randall as a friendly stranger more likely, Meaning more children in the group would've likely lead to the group taking fewer risks) That being said the Rick Vs Shane thing was definitely still mostly fueled by Lori but if looking for Sophia was resolved a lot more quickly then it was when they found her in the barn.

Rick and Shane would've probably been more on the same page as they would've had more time to talk certian things out, also the group finding Sophia would lead to them having more then one opportunity to patch things up before they'd have a chance to get worse with the whole Randall thing escalating, As Rick probably didn't kill Randall because of how desperately he was holding onto Hope/Faith before they found her as a walker.

Lori regardless of Sophia's fate would've still pinned Rick and Shane against one another but the annoyance and tension between one another I believe would've been a more negotiable in that field as they would at the very least be a but more on the same page regarding the group (Meaning they'd be more likely to both walk away alive but Shane would probably want to leave out of shame after trying to kill his friend/goat his friend into killing him or since the farm got attacked they would've been split up eventually and I could somehow see Shane not being lucky enough to regroup with everybody else.

Had Shane not forced Rick's hand so easily, Rick regards of whether or not Shane was around after the farmwould be more open to Shane's way of thinking about putting the group first as that shootout in the town bar in evidence or people being more of a threat then the walkers but obviously heb wouldn't jump to such Shane levels (At least not initially) and depending on how the Aftermath of the farm went would most likely lead to a possible shift from the groups regular dynamic. (If Shane were still around the two of them would most likely assess the group person by person and improve one's survival skills piece by piece or at least they'd more more tactically ready with an extra perspective.

Obviously T-Dog's sacrifice was the final nail in the coffin for Carol's transformation as it was a wake up call but I believe that if the group had a different mentality or possibly even Shane at the prison, T-Dog wouldn't have gotten bit so easily and she'd still be scared but I believe T-Dog protecting her regardless of the scenario after they got split up would inspire Carol one way or another loke how he did originally. And if Sophia was alive it would further motivate her to be stronger for her daughter, not just herself.

That being said if Sophia were at the prison, I don't see Carol killing the infected unless Sophia herself got infected and obviously that could go a number of ways but I mainly see her at least trying to mercy kill Sophia and most likely failing- If that happens a certain twin sister's colors would've been revealed a lot sooner, Regardless if Carol killed those others (Which I could somehow see her daughters death by this sickness influencing her actions of the matter in a similar manner to her original reasoning.

Tyrese would still become consumed with lose and rage but in this outcome, things around the prison wouldn't seem like the cause of one insane person but unfortunately a child as I doubt that girl would be able to hide walker Sophia for long if at all- (I see this happening as Sophia would probably become close with the twins and that personal attached would result in that whole cruel twist of fate for the twins being mirrored, as she would want to keep her walker friend around and when- not if, Walker Sophia is dealt with she would have a noticeable outburst which would further incriminate herself or most likely shed light to the fact that she was the one killing and feeding rats to walkers.

With Tyrese not as enraged and/or enraged, the need for Rick to exile Carol would still feel as urgent as; I could still see Rick doing it, mostly to protect her this time around as if Sophia bit the dust and then others also followed- (At least this time it's easier to defend Carol's actions as a lot less psychopathic), A part of me does see him not exiling her tho as I think he only did that as part of him was not comfortable with her savagery regarding dealing with the sickness and that if a certian outcome lead to him and her alone with his kids, He was like nah, we're both better off if I leave your ass here" 😂😂😂

Now from a writer's perspective hacinghim return to deal with both the aftermath of this Sophia walker situation along with Tyrese's original discovery of those mutilated rats, Im not entirelysure how that would go- (Like Rick would most likely know beforehand that Sophia turned from Carol and she might've even made that fact known to the whole council that she couldn't bring herself to do it but when they got back to finish the job as that would be an obvious break of security among the prison's walls. And maybe when they go to deal with walker Sophia, She's unfortunately not where Carol left her because of that crazy twin obsessed with walkers.

You could argue they'd want to up security with a walker threat in the lose but from writers perspective the script could be tweaked to make that supply run with Carol a lot more urgent than normal as they'd also need further supplies to up proper security inside the prison in the event of a rogue walker. Anywho I doubt anyone's still reading this but if you're still following me, if one were to see her exile still applicable to the story, I could see Rick returning only to find that they had dealt with the whole Walker Sophia situation whilenwas gone and his would initially relieve him but remember that discovery of the rats, and that opens a whole neither can of worms. (I'm not entirely certian how literally anyone other then Carol would've dealt with that situation unless for time sake we say that Tyrese either ends up stuck with them like before but her affinity for ealkers is already out in the open or Tyrese somehow finds out thag that whomever killed the rats isn't the same psycho who killed the sick people).

One way or another I could see Rick's regret but eventually relieve when Terminus brings everyone together again, but let's say if for some reason Carol wasn't exiled and they had delt with that twin situation under different circumstances, Them being way more united before them being captured would definitely lead to them either not being captured of them possibly even talking over Terminus out of pure paranoia only for it to be further fuled kbce they discover the others being held captive. Tis route in my mind is wild because it's basically an outcome where the group could possibly not find out about them being Cannibals until after they've already killed these people, That would be a great reveal and would make the group look slightly less unhinged but the again who knows at this point as the further you get into any fictional what-if the more it starts to spiral in one way or another due to writing or sometimes lack there off.


I feel this is so accurate but My fav character is beth so I never wanted her to die😢


What if joe didn’t see Len put the rabbit in Daryl’s bag and the claimers killed Daryl for “stealing”


What if Otis found Sophia alive in the woods?


If Sophia survived carol wood protect her no matter what so this does include terminus so Carol and Sophia wouldn't be at terminus so carol wood save the group 😎


Then the TWD Comics Would've Started


I think that if Carol hadn't lost her daughter, she would probably end up in a similar way as in the comics or sacrificing herself to protect others like T-Dog did.


I'm so glad the creators in almost every single scenario Judas survives


You should do what If Lizzie didn’t kill Mika twd


ty was genuinely to kind for the apocalypse


these videos are like my morning newspaper


I have been asking this forever thank you so much❤
