Soziedad Alkoholika EN BRUTO XIX “Cuando Nada Vale Nada” (20/23)

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Video del álbum grabado en directo en el festival Leyendas del Rock.

“En Bruto XIX” es un reflejo del espléndido estado de forma en el que se encuentra la banda, un atronador compendio de sus mejores temas interpretados con la contundencia con que acostumbran a golpear en cada uno de sus conciertos.

Las mezclas han sido realizadas por Tue Madsen (Moonspell, Meshuggah, Sick of it All, etc.) en los Antfarm Studio de Aarhus (Dinamarca). Mr. Madsen es un genio de las mezclas y ha conseguido plasmar sin artificios y con absoluta transparencia el auténtico sonido de S.A. en directo.
Edición Video: Bideolan

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they are the best in their original metal style, i saw them at least 5 times , this song speaks of his personal experience and self criticism, and it looks like a aid power tune to those who still are caught in the web of adiction.I still have the tape of intoxication etilica bought before they started to play, and not a big place but the crowd looked insane with the power they project from the stage, i´m portuguese and only saw them once in my country, in a tour years before this one, when they release tiempos oscuros and they were amazed by the reception that they receive in my town in the midle of nowhere, about politics what can any one react what P.S.O.E did after the death of Franco, being a suporter of Basco country before democracy and after they stab them in the back with not giving independance to the spanish part of basco country with their own language and culture and a rich productive one, that´s the reason why, even portuguese socialist brother of P.S.O.E was a supporter of basc independance at least till the 90´s, i was there and saw with my own eyes what spanish origin youth in Pais Basco use to do to the young men and women of basc families, poor ones because the richness it´s stolen and send in the form of taxes to Madrid governament, the social crisis was very sad and horrific in basc country , S.A forever(the group not what it means literally, maybe what they felt they live at the time and now)and it´s ofensive i think when they compare catluña with the basc country, spanish it´s a country made of blood and treason to several kingdoms, spanish is not a language but castellano, even Portugal had to fight to retrieve our independance from spain this a few century´s ago, or castilla e leon join by treason and those two kingdoms together didn´t give to other kingdoms the oportunitie of fighting back that today they call spain, this ends here or i had to talk of the bloody civil war where civilians were killed by the thousands and imortalized by guernica painting by the famous Pablo Picasso wich reflects the request of nationalists to nazi aircraft that heavily bombed the city of guernica killing and wounded 1/3 of it´s population, Massacre was what happened.


La fuerza del norte. ¡Desde Asturies puxa S. A!


Obra maestra atemporal. S.A. para mi siempre será esta canción, por su composición musical y letra, qué letra.


Muy buena, estuvieron en La Iruela en 2012 en mi pueblo


Esto no es rock RADICAL vasco.
Es música de Gaztetxe, HIPOCRITAS


Veintipico años que os vi en alcalá, sevilla y me siguen flipando vuestras canciones, sois la hostia, clásicos ya claro


Tenéis caña total tenéis la misma martxa como en los 90 💪💪


Aupa S.A. Mungitik Bizkaia beti Aurrera eta gogor Kepa
