[2017 REWORK] Shaco Champion Spotlight

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After tons of requests, Riot finally tweaked assassins and with him Shaco also got a good amount of buffs and tweaks.

This video will help you understand them and see them live in case you don't have a PBE account.
Notice that these changes still are on PBE and are not definitive, adjust can be made.

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Such a nice remake. Balances the champ w/out fucking with his playstyle


shaco should be able to control his clone after death! XD


PinkWard had to have something to do with the illuminati box placement


I main Shaco as you all. I really like this rework. We maybe will need to do an different intial clear, but it's ok. The tweaks are worth.
I mean, if they not screw with his AD (and AP, for AP Shaco fans) scallings, of course.


thank you. finally shaco gets some information. other youtubers are avoiding him.


what we need now is a visual rework for him


First clear isn't messed up though, the buffs small monsters were removed so even an illuminati triangle of boxes will all still target the buff. Plus the crit you get when attacking monsters from behind. It shouldn't hardly be slowed down at all.


So what exactly is the point of pink wards anymore? It's like Riot really really hates map awareness


As a shaco main, he got fucking nerfed here. Hardly anyone plays Shaco compared to the other assassins yet he gets a fucking nerf.


Fist video that i see explaning all the changes, nice job man


Great Video I really wanted to see someone do this


That tribox is for Illuminati PinkWard for sure lmao.




Holy crap, his E base damage currently has been nerfed to 125 + 90% AP + 85% AD, that is massive. Leaving out the %HP-damage, this basically makes AP Shacos poke absolutely useless unless he gets fed. The box changes on top of that.
It looks like they want to force him to use his Q (with the new AP ratio) and Lich Bane in a direct fight, instead of safely poking with his E.


I think that a build with Runic Echoes, Sorcs, Ravenous Hydra, Gunblade and Lich Bane will be one of the better options now. I've done some math, but I'm a bit lazy to translate it to english.
For those who want to translate it, the language there is portuguese.

Level 18
Ecos rúnicos - 60 AP, (60 +10% AP), (166);
Pistola - 40 AD, 80 AP, (250 +30% AP);
Lich - 80 AP, (75% AD base + 50% AP);
Hidra Raivosa - 75 AD (100% AD total);
Sapatos do Feiticeiro - 15 MPen;
Passiva - 145% dano extra
Q - 80 + 100% AD total + 50% AP
E - 125 + 90% AP + 85% AD total + 8% vida perdida do alvo

Smite: 166; Primeiro ataque básico: [232 (AD) + 80 (dano base Q) + 232 (escalamento com ad) + 110 (escalamento em AP) * 1.45 (passiva)] = 948 + 197 (perdição de Lich); 316 (pistola hextech); 232 (tiamat); E: 125 (dano base) + 198 (escalamento em AP) + 197 (escalamento em AD) + 82 (ecos rúnicos) + 8% da vida perdida do alvo
Total: 1180 em dano físico, 1115 + 8% da vida removida do alvo em dano mágico, 166 em dano verdadeiro

Alvo: Caitlyn level 18
Vida: 1884
Armadura: 82 base + 9 runas = 91, cerca de 48% de redução de dano
Resistência mágica: 30 + 12 runas - 15 sapatos feiticeiro = 28, cerca de 22% de redução de dano
166 + 492 (948 - 48%) + 154 (197 - 22%) + 246 (316 - 22%) + 121 (232 - 48%) = 1179 de dano antes de usar o E, o que significa que é desse valor que sairão os 8% da vida removida; 470 (602 - 22%) + 74 [94 (1179 - 92%) - 22%]
Total de dano: 1723, ou seja, 91% do HP da Caitlyn... não tão rápido
Ignite +410 de dano verdadeiro, ou seja, 2133 de dano, ou seja, 113% do HP da Caitlyn. Hah! Morreu! Não contava com minha astúcia

Level 13
Ecos Rúnicos - 60 AP, (60 +10% AP), (124);
Sapatos do Feiticeiro - 15 MPen;
Hidra Raivosa - 75 AD, (100% AD);
Revolver Hextech - 40 AP (128);
Fulgor - (100% AD base)
Q - 80 + 100% AD total + 50% AP
E - 125 + 90% AP + 85% AD total + 8% vida perdida do alvo
Passiva: 120~145% de dano no ataque básico, escala com levels mas não foi revelado o quanto será a escala no level 13, portanto, será usado 120%

Smite: 124; Primeiro ataque básico: [171 (AD) + 80 (dano base Q) + 171 (escalamento com ad) + 50 (escalamento com ap) *1.2 (passiva)] = 482 + 96 (fulgor) + 128 (revolver); Tiamat: 171; E: 125 (dano base) + 90 (escalamento com AP) + 145 (escalamento com AD) + 8% da vida perdida do alvo + 70 (ecos rúnicos)
Total: 749 em dano físico, 430 + 8% vida removida do alvo em dano mágico, 124 dano verdadeiro

Alvo: Caitlyn level 13
Vida: 1400
Armadura: 61 base + 9 runas = 70, cerca de 40% de redução de dano
Resistência mágica: 30 + 12 runas - 15 sapatos feiticeiro = 28, cerca de 22% de redução de dano

124 + 231 (578 - 40%) + 100 (128 - 22%) + 103 (171 - 40%) = 558 de dano antes de usar o E, o que significa que é desse valor que sairão os 8% da vida removida; 335 (430 - 22%) + 45 = 938
Total de dano: 938, ou seja, 67% do HP da Caitlyn... fraquinho... espero que os testes com outras builds sejam mais bem sucedidos...


So here's my thought on the new shaco, he will be mega op, but only if he uses his ultimate as a less second effect. In other words he uses his ultimate, and makes it run the other way to a certain distance. Then, Shaco uses his Q to teleport "onto" the enemy champion. The clone then teleports to the player shaco which then blows up sumoning the 3 boxes he then throws another box and cleans up the mess. So his clone power is going to be much more effective I think this way trying to move both as a blink then trying to summon him as you blink and hoping said champion doesn't have a way to escape as the damage will be near instant.


so does the invisibility still last the same amount or does it start at 1.5 eventually moving up to 3.5 like it used to?


now we just need an ultimate skin for him. then we will be set to go


Im main on shaco. and ı fear of the nerfs he's gonna get.


1) AD Crit Shaco is a lot less potent now due because in order to get the guaranteed crit, you MUST attack from behind. Before, as long as you use Q, you'll get the guaranteed crit + shiv crit + IE damage multiplier even when attacking from the front. Makes it much harder to burst.

2) Backstab passive no longer works with E. Prior to changes, E dealt more damage when landing from behind, courtesy of his passive. Not anymore.

3) His E base damage got reduced by half and is now an execute. The thing is, as Shaco your job is to hunt for squishies which don't have lots of hp to scale with your E. The old way of Q into E into hydra etc. won't work as well now because E base damage got lowered and the missing hp won't help that much due to squishies not having hp in the first place.

4) His boxes can no longer stack. This tremendously damages his clear in the jungle as two boxes at Krugs and two boxes at Red stacked up no longer works. The new jungle also kills him with all the mini Krugs spawning to ruin the set up. This also damages AP Shaco because now it limits how you place your boxes. AP Shaco players used to have options between Illuminati set up or the stacked set up, that's gone too. We now have limited options.

5) The ult changes now with the clone dropping 3 boxes are nice, but they're not amazing. Not nearly enough to make up for the losses. In a teamfight with all the AoEs thrown around, these mini boxes with rapidly decaying hp won't even last 2 seconds.

6) The BIGGEST mistake is making his Q scale. Now it's down to 1.5 second and now scales. 1.5 second is not enough for jungle Shaco to reposition or invade or anything. 1.5 second is also not good for AP Shacos because they don't max Q until last, rendering the ability almost useless.

7) Jungle Shaco is now forced to upgrade Q for the extra invisibility at the cost of having less damage and burst from maxing E.

8) His E no longer slows monsters' attack speed in the jungle, further killing his jungle clear.

9) Boxes now have scaling hp, this may further hurt Shaco's jungle clear due to having less hp at the start.

10) The double scaling AD and AP are nice, but everyone knows going hybrid isn't as good as pure AD or AP. This is because the playstyles differ too much. As AP Shaco, you generally want to stay back and E and wait until someone walks into your traps. As AD Shaco, you want to go in and burst someone. Having a bit of both won't really help that much, might be good? I don't know, but I honestly don't think so.
