The SEVEN Ancient Symbols of ATLANTIS

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Has the lost legacy of Atlantis finally been discovered, with seven prominent symbols displayed right before our eyes? A careful examination of our symbolic languages have shown that 32 symbols are found in every culture, with seven being the most prevalent. As our team of experts delve deeper into these seven symbols, we uncover their meanings and historical use, and find that they may be the key to unlocking ancient Atlantean technology.

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I saw the stars come together to make symbols once. Things aren't as they seem. Perception comes from belief. We believe what we are taught. So, if we are taught to believe what is false, then our perception will be false.


😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌ Bright & beautiful blessings to everyone who reads this! Have a magnificent day 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌


I also would like to mention that there are 22 chapters in the book of Revelation which I am studying right now along with the Tarot and I see a lot of symbol from the book of Revelation on the Tarot cards as well


I recommend everyone join Gaia. I’ve had it for several years. I watch it always and in all ways, since there is such a vast diversity of topics✅


If you pause at 6:50 you can see how the star of David lines up with the Vesica Pisces as the image fades from one to the other. I thought it was neat.
I only noticed because I paused to hit the closed caption to see how Vesica Pisces was spelled.
P.s closed caption was wrong.


A great episode.
Thoth the Atlantean in the Emerald Tablets tells more than other than a select few will ever know. If you go inward you will read the tablets will all the condensed information stratified into the seven intelligences. If your heart us right you will be guided by one of the lines of reasoning and brought in. I was brought there and afterwards started to realize there may be a correlation and dove into the ancient texts. It's all real. God is real.


How brilliantly simple yet unbelievably intelligent!!


There is a still a belief that Atlantis was one city, but in truth, Atlantis was 8 islands all having there own cities. The one pictured at the end of this video was the Gateway city. It's so amazing what you can see when you spend the time in Meditation, remembering your own past lives.💜


Honestly, the thing that drew me to this video is the thumbnail, the vesica pisces, an important part of sacred geometry, but still, it was a good watch anyway!


I believe people are beginning to awaken either by their own fruition or by another force or maybe both. One thing I know and I know because I've lived a life in this reality. We are all born within this structor we call our reality. We are alloted our slot to experience infinity with all it's possibilities. The purpose seems to be (Progression). The more power we can produce the more advance we become. That power doesn't equate to using it for good, unfortunately we are humans and humans fight, kill, murder and everything in between. We will in time succeed but not to long a time. We are moving very fast in technology. Two place's we see it first, NASA and the Defence Department. ✌️☘️


photons have information and knowledge has information and knowledge


Amazing. So much info in such a short video...


The old symbols have changed only in the sense that various modern day Religions have appropriated them. However their original meanings remain constant forever and a day.


in Atlantis they use the Tesla energy, zero point, antigravity we are still behind our origins


Excellent! Hieroglyphs can also be seen and understood as a symbolic language, where a single glyph is a sentence and a sentence, a paragraph.


i think everything is in our DNA that's the beauty


How many people knew the swastika was an ancient symbol? I didn't until about 6 years ago. It's crazy.


We're all lost survivors of Atlantis. CERN.


This resonates . . . I am moved deep inside just watching the video


The Tarot deck is discussed in The Law of One by LL RESEARCH.... namaste 😘 🙏
