Ugandan leaders pass anti-gay law with death penalty in some cases. #shorts

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YEAH Uganda!!!
I'm am American who is extremely sorry how shameful American leaders has treated you Mr. President and Nation. I been attacked by these predators when I was a kid and I know their hunger and their hatred. Sick predators. I'm older now and they stay away from me. American leaders dare not mess with other Country's that has band this mess. Why they singled you all out as weak, I don't know. Sure proud you stood against these bullies. As a kid I cried with no help against these predators. My Dad died when I was young so I was an easy prey. Thank you for your great love to protect your nations kids that dries their tears dries mine... So Nice.


These people knew the laws and could move out even before this but not listening is why the law passed. It is their culture do we get to judge Ugandas culture now? Especially when the western world has done nothing about actual gennocide of the Uygher people?


Love One Another 🥰
We Are One - 👀Welcoming Uganda to the real world 💞💜😘


Oh! Thought they passed this law a few months ago 🧐
