[SFM/FNAF/Music] - Light Em Up -

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Wow, after so much time spend on seemingly a million projects, this is done.

At first, i wanted to do about the same kind of idea like my 'Demons' animation, but i felt like that wasn't new or a challenge to do.
So i overhauled it a bit in the middle of the first verse.
I wanted to add a story, a meaning to the animation and characters instead of just...singing with effects.
The story is more or less this: Fredbear and Springtrap have captured the animatronics from the first game, exposing them to torturing and hell.
But Fredbear hesitates, this is not what he wishes upon them and, without Springtrap's consent, allows them to transform to their lethal nightmare forms.
Springtrap finds out about his companion's betrayel, battles him but finds himself overpowered by the yellow bear.
After being hung up, he is permanently terminated by the hands of his own ally.

I actually really wanted to use Mistberg's nightmare models, but the sessions did not allow it for some odd reason, so i stuck with E_A's old ones.

From now on, i'll try to add a story and meaning behind an animation, i'm thinking that'll be a cooler :P

I also modeled some models specifically for this animation, this includes: the mechanical arm, the cauldron, the control panel, the match and the shredder.

Thanks to Mikequeen123 for porting those models, couldn't have done this without you!

Please flag, ignore or downvote offensive/mean comments. We are here to have a good time, after all.

All the audio and other representations belong to their respectfull owners. Thanks in advance.
I solely own the animation, editing.

Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)

Thanks for watching!
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It has been nearly 7 years, and when this animation in some parts show it's age, it still hold it's ground and still looks awesome.


Ah, 2016. I remember seeing this for the first time when FNAF SFMs were starting to become much smoother and more pleasing to the eye in their movements.... truly a pioneer of modern SFMs.


The fact that I never left the fnaf fandom but still got nostalgia from this chills me


This is nostalgic asf, I remember watching this when I was like 5 or 6


Seeing the animatronics say “My songs know what you did in the dark” is too perfect, especially if it’s directed towards William Afton.


I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't the biggest Fnaf fan growing up. I remember watching old fnaf videos back in 2014 and not even a single sweat would drop from my face. But this... was a game changer (just like Game Shakers from Nickelodeon.) I kid you not, when they said "I'm on fire" I felt that sh*t inside. Just knowing that these characters could get this messed up is something I wouldn't expect from this series. This song perfectly matches the dark thoughts in my mind and the energy that emits from my brain when ever these thoughts occur.


1:32 I love when phantom ballon boy pauses for a second and says ashes it’s so satisfying.


It's already been 8 years since FNaF songs came around and that's one of the most legendary ones. It feels very nostalgic when i think about the 8 years that passed like 8 minutes...


Damn, it's been 5 years since it was made and I'm still watching.

Legendary creation.


I just stumbled upon this and oh my God, the memories...


I'm watching this 3 years later from its upload, and it's still amazing. Would love a remaster of this when it gets to its 10 year anniversary of being uploaded

*edit* 2 years gone by since this comment and it's still growing....I love the animation style in the video and would love a remake of it, even though this one is perfect...pretty much a before & after thing yk


Been a long while I'll be real, I always used to think this was a song in FNAF and not fall out


Oh my God
It's been a long time since I saw this
The nostalgia hits hard. Me and my cousin used to watch this


God this was made 5 years ago and the animation still looks good.


Kyler: uhh, that’s how all of us becomes this

Ellabella: you’re telling me

Nikki, Madison and Madelyn:


I love when music videos have a story. :3


The massive wave of nostalgia hit me when I listened to this, it's crazy how long it's been.


One of the best animations in sfm on youtube!
You are a professional animator! :D


First time I watched this animation when it was only some month, I was 7 or 8 years old, now I see how fast time is running, now in 15 and I still love this animation with song... it's awesome


revisiting this after years and years of first finding it brings my to nostalgic tears, thank you for being a part of my childhood
