Before you Vote for Apache Kafka Release Candidates, Watch This!

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Hello Kafka Community Members and welcome to the Apache Kafka Release Party!

As part of an effort (KAFKA-9861) to get more community participation during release candidate (RC) validations, we have created the following steps to hopefully allow more community members to participate thoroughly in this validation process prior to casting their votes for specific RCs.
It is also our hope that more community members will be able to participate in the process as a result. If you have any suggestions for improvement or would like to share changes, please feel free to send in a pull request or open issues against this github repo.

I would like to solicit feedback from the users, community members, committers and PMC members on how this can be incorporated into the release process and AK code base. My initial thoughts are to include the link to this resource or its modified form as part of the release candidate announcement to encourage users to participate in the RC validation process. Thanks in advance for your participation.

Process Simplification - Community Validation of Kafka Release Candidates

Github Repository Accompanying this Tutorial
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