The French Bulldog Problem

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For the second year in a row, the French Bulldog is the most popular dog breed in America, this is according to a press release by the American Kennel Club. But did you know that despite their popularity, French Bulldogs are widely considered the single most unhealthy dog breed in America, often times costing their owners multiple thousands of dollars in veterinary bills? Let's talk about it.

Intro 00:00
The Respiratory System Issues 01:32
The Nervous System Issues 06:05
Other System Issues 10:20
My Recommendations For A Solution 14:06
Outro 16:08

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Deliberately breeding an animal to be disabled should be a criminal offence.


The excuse is always "but that's only irresponsible breeders, not the good ones!" Nope. If the entire breed has been ruined there is no "responsible" breeding.


My parents bought a French bulldog named Lacey despite my attempt to deter them.
They kept saying “she’s from a good breeder” “she cost a fortune so she won’t have problems” so on and so forth.
Guess who had hip dysplasia and B.O.A.S at 2 yrs old, Lacey.
At three she had to be put down.

I wish people would stop buying these poor dogs.


The fact that, in a 16 minute video covering a LOT of health issues experienced by Frenchies, you were not able to get through all of their health issues just says so much. Poor dogs.


Bring back the standards from 1800s. The dogs during that era are amazing looking and healthier.


I’ve never really understood the mania over Frenchies, pugs, etc. As someone who has breathing problems myself, I always feel so bad for them.


Former vet tech here. This video was perfect! I love Frenchies and Bulldogs, but it is heartbreaking to see these dogs in the clinic with all these problems. People don't like to hear this stuff but it needs to be said and widely shared! Their popularity has skyrocketed because people are so obsessed with their looks and have no idea what they're getting themselves into, then they blame the vets for charging them to help these poor dogs and say we're only in it for the money. The problem is that people are continuing to support breeders who create these animals with full knowledge of the health problems they will endure.


Work in an ER. We see these kiddos all the time for Resp Distress, Down in Back, Neck pain, and other issues on a near daily basis. Even vomiting for rodenticides or foreign bodies is significantly more dangerous and puts them at a higher risk for aspiration pneumonia. A portion are euthanized because owners dont have the thousands to hospitalize and treat. It sucks.


Had to take my dog to the neurologist the other day & the frenchie in the waiting room broke my heart. The extreme loud breathing, panting & anxious symptoms she was exhibiting was beyond my comprehension. It was shocking & heart breaking. There has GOT to be a change


I never knew all this. I also loathe that dogs can be "trendy". It's a living creature not an accessory!


Hi! Former vet tech that worked in both general practice and emergency. I will never own a brachycephalic breed. Whenever we would intubate for surgery, after the procedure when these dogs were waking up they usually didn’t want us to take the endotracheal tube. It’s so sad. It’s the best they’ve ever breathed.


you changed my mind about getting a frenchie. Kudos and THANKS!!


My dad is unfortunately a backyard breeder, and he wants to get a frenchie to breed her and make money off of her. I keep trying to tell him to please not do it, but he doesn't take me seriously due to him being my dad. Years ago he was breeding English Bulldogs, and he was going to let them give birth on their own. I told him he can't do that because their birth canal can't handle their big heads, but he refused to listen to me. His dog almost died trying to give birth and got an emergency c-section. I didn't waste time saying "I TOLD YOU SO" because I was pissed. And honestly, he can barely afford to take care of these dogs anyway. Not to mention that he has this belief that dogs are meant to sleep outside, which has resulted in puppies dying from mosquito borne parasites. I wish there was an extremely strict law where a difficult to obtain license is required to breed animals, and the top focus needs to be health, but I know that will never happen because people love money too much.


Working with dogs as a trainer, I have sadly heard of way too many frenchies dying of respiration related issues prior to age of 3. One incident that haunts me forever is when my sister and I were on a short hike. We came across an owner with a limp French bulldog in her arms. She was in such a hysterical state that we opted to drive her to the vet ER because she wasn’t from the area we were worried about her ability to drive safely herself. The dog had likely passed by then or on the way to the vet. It was only 60 degrees out that morning and the dog was only 11 months old, all I can think is he suffocated due to the dusty trail and exertion.


I used to be a vet nurse. We never had a single instance of natural frenchie birth. Every single one needed a C-section


I hope this video reaches more people. You have said everything that needs to be said. Seeking these dogs out, or rather their features, continues the cruelty and it has to stop!


I knew an owner who, after her rescue Frenchy died, missed his snoring so much, she went way over budget to buy a new puppy asap. How one can enjoy listening to their dog struggling for air is beyond me, but she obviously does.
I, on the other side of the spectrum, believe breeders who'd do that to dogs ought to be prosecuted for the extremest form of animal cruelty imaginable.


Thank you. I would argue that public sentiment is finally starting to change because veterinarians and vet associations finally started speaking out publically a few years ago. You are the only people most owners or prospective buyers will trust over breeders and breed associations, and you are also most often the people who have access to the proper research.
I’m 45 and I have been pretty deep in animal welfare and ethology since I was a big kid because I wanted so badly to become a vet myself, or, failing that, do ethology research. People will not listen to us garden variety dorks when we tell them something they don’t like, even if we offer to share our sources. It has been such a huge help that for example the national vet association in Denmark where I live, finally went out and shared a message warning about brachycephalic dog breeds especially a few years ago.
The knowledge is slowly, slowly becoming mainstream around here, I feel.

A lot of these breeds have wonderful personalities and temperaments and they deserve to be able to show that off without them being hampered by disabilities put in play on purpose ❤
Thank you for helping them when you get the chance.


When i worked in rescue there were so many frenchies. All of them were sick in some way, from mild to severe. They had such sweet, silly personalities and it broke my heart having to give them so many meds, restrict their exercise, give them medicated baths for itchy skin, watch them walk stiffly/painfully, see them barely able to breathe when the weather was warm. Theyre so so popular in the uk and I wish there was more awareness of how sick (and expensive) they can end up being


i used to live in a household that had a french bulldog and i always found it so offputting how she kept grunting and constantly throwing up for no reason. i never saw the appeal in dogs like that. i don't know who's turning a blind eye to this industry but I hope they are reincarnated as french bulldogs.
