Stephanie Pomboy & Grant Williams: Investors Need To Realize Change Is Upon Us

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Here's a fun question:

What's better than interviewing your favorite macro expert?

Interviewing BOTH your favorite macro experts at the same time!

I'm happy & honored that today we get to sit down with Stephanie Pomboy AND her frequent partner in crime Grant Williams to hear their latest outlook for the economy and the markets, plus if we're lucky, a bit about sports and the meaning of life, too.

This is an amazing & highly important discussion featuring two of the most respected minds in macro. And both agree: investors need to react to the changing environment else be caught flat-footed by it.

#recession #inflation #deflation

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Stephanie's aesthetic is as flawless as her analysis.


Stephanie, Grant AND Adam!!! Three of my favorite people to listen to!! Awesome!!


Thanks Adam for having Stephanie and Grant on. Always fun to hear listen to their thoughts.


I love it when Stephanie Pomboy is on the show and she's straight foward, extremely knowledgeable & absolutely gorgeous...


I was just out of high school when the great recession hit. Then, I didn't know what a recession was, but I felt that if I study hard in college and do good work, I would be able to afford a comfortable life for myself and my parents. That's 16 years ago - I've been working as an electrical engineer for years now, and I've never felt so economically stuck as I am today. I don't think it's possible for me to ever afford a home considering the obnoxious levels of inflation pushing everything higher and higher. I sleep every night hoping that I'll wake up to housing prices finally coming down to normal levels, to a point where I could actually call up a realtor and say I have some money scrounged up and a steady income, what can I afford? But no - increasingly, the hope of affordable housing is being replaced with the fear of a job loss, and horrible images of figuring out how to at least keep my parents homed if I were to become homeless.

I knew adulthood was hard, but I didn't know this would become this dire. Everyone said study STEM, so I thought I would learn electrical engineering, instead it should have been data science or finance. Immigrants from the middle east come to this country, and have a web/network of professional lawyers directing them on how to lie on federal aid documents to maximize federal freebies. Uneducated uber drivers are riding around in brand new Teslas, while I'm trying to keep my '15 jeep from dying.

This country has officially spat in the face of those of us who wanted to work and to make the world a better place. It has disincentivized working to earn what you want and replaced it with handouts to whoever can lie better and more frequently, or whoever had property before 2020.


I always love listening to Grant, brilliant. Same for Steph, but she is good to look at too 😁, Smart and lovely and pure class.


Stephanie, Grant, and Adam are my go-to trio for insightful conversations!


My Real inflation is over 60% last 3 and half years, insurance up 60% plus, food and dining out close to 80%, home price up 60% from 300, 000 to over 500, 000 in Houston, air condition replacement over 120%, while my wages up16%. Where is the tell me. Very pissed off


This is a great forum with three very well informed and analytical individuals. Someone once said that 90% of life is just showing up. I would also add awareness to that equation. Forums like this help to keep you aware! Kudos to Adam, Stephanie and Grant!


Been waiting for months to see Stephanie back! Awesome!


Always an intelligent and respectful conversation, such intelligence!!


Listen to the three of you is a sanity check in a most educational way!


Thanks for the work Adam. Grant is a great guest to have, thx for giving him a stage.


Thank you, intelligence, common sense, and insightful review


Yes, at the 40min mark, it went beyond graduate level into “must have” info. Definitely rooting for a series on possible types of financial repression.


As a member of thoughtful money and as a senior baby boomer who has seen their retirement go up in smoke in the last four years. I most definitely want to hear about the term FINANCIAL REPRESSION! Thank you


Stephanie and Grant thanks for the great contribution to this great content God bless you both


I watched Aaron Task and Henry Blodget coming out of the GFC and I'm now watching Adam Taggart going into this continuously perplexing and unquantified mess the media does very well not to define. Excellent Channel (as any that gets me to watch economic discussion). Kudos, Mr. Taggart.


In 1980(s) I had confidence that there was people in charge that knew what was going on and would act in my best long term interest. My long term interest was also your long term interest. Free stuff is not free. I've been saying the same thing for decades. Today, it's gone to all about tribes. It will burn to the foundation. I get little satisfaction by being right.


Love this episode already, before I even start it! Two of my favorite guests!!
