The Thrill Of Being a WW2 Fighter Pilot | Memoirs Of WWII #48

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All Jack Hallett ever wanted to do was fly. And when the Second World War broke out, he got his chance. Listen as Jack shares stories of bombing, strafing, D-Day, seeing friends shot down, and his many missions over German-occupied Europe.

Written and Directed by Joshua Scott
Filmed by Heather Scott
Edited by Joshua Scott
Post Audio by Lane Tarr
Photo Enhancement and Colorization by Hudson Louie

Archive Footage Sources:
Norris Aeroworks

Archive Photo Sources:U.S. Air Force
Imperial War Museums
SDASM Archives
General Aviation News
The U.S. National Archives
U.S. Library of Congress

Primary Musical Score Source:

Artlist Songs and Composers:
“Revelations” by Tristan Barton
“Idyllwild” by Rew
“Cold” by Borrtex
“I Miss You” by Tom Goldstein

“Memoirs Of WWII Theme” composed by Joshua Scott, performed by Jonathan Hadinger, Joshua Scott, and Chris Baldwin

#history #veteran #ww2 #military #wwii #mastersoftheair
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A fighter pilot who saw a friend come back from the dead and lived to 102, that is a life well spent and rest well earned. Seeing his face light up as he recalled his stories truly has made my day. Thank you for keeping these men's stories alive for future generations.


I became friends with Jack in the last few years of his life. I can attest to what an amazing American he is. Humble, kind, funny and full of energy to the last moment. He was embraced by the local flying community and spent a lot of time flying in all types of aircraft with one of his final flights doing aerobatics in a PT-17 just a year or so before his passing. My wife and I would take home dinner and sit with him when he was in hospice and his stories and memory were incredibly sharp until his last breath. I am honored to have known such a wonderful person and I miss Jack.


His face lit up when he talked about P-38. He truly loved that airplane. God bless and RIP Lt. Thank you for your story and your service.


In Hertfordshire, England, there was a USAAF Airfield called Bovingdon which had P38's.
One poor guy crashed just outside Hemel Hempstead soon after take-off.
There is a small memorial there and every year on the anniversary, locals gather and lay flowers on the site of the crash.
We never forget.


The "Greatest Generation" indeed. I have so much admiration for each and every one.
Rest In Peace, Sir.


My grandfather was born the same year as this hero was. My grandfather tried to enlist the day after Pearl Harbor as well but they had him on a delay for about a month and a half. He was eager to go. They determined that he should be sent to flight school in Uvalde, Texas and that was part of the delay. He trained on the same planes as this man. He then learned to fly the P-40 and practiced taking off on short runways in Virginia. Their mission in his squadron was to deliver P-40s to the North African campaign. He flew off the deck of the Naval aircraft carrier USS Ranger CV-4 in 1943. From there he started flying the P-38 for the duration of his time there. He was in the 82nd fighter group in the 12th Air Force. He really loved that P-38 more than any other plane that he ever flew. He credited the dual engines for bringing him home on more than one occasion. My grandfather passed away in 1999 and I would have loved to have had him for more years. He spent 28 years in the Air Force and I loved listening to his stories. When I listened to this gentleman I sort of saw my grandfather in him because of them flying the same planes. They definitely would have enjoyed talking to each other. I'm sorry to hear about this hero's passing but it sounds like he lived a long and full life. Thank you for sharing his story with us. It's great to seem him being remembered for future generations.


What a incredible story. Can you imagine thinking your friend is dead. Come home and he's living at your house. WOW


My grandpa was a P38 pilot and passed last year as well. These videos are a must, because their unique experiences are lost when they leave us.


This is a man who knew what he wanted, did it, loved it, had an adventure, lost friends, unlost one, and lived his best life. What a treasure, hero, and inspiration. Rest well sir.


The smile on this gentlemans face in the beginning as he said "I'm a fighter pilot" was priceless. Thanks to all and the families of those who have served and are serving this Great Nation 👍


You are doing a great service to honor the stories of a soon vanished generation. I am german and my grnadma was 13 when the war started. She told me many stories from her point of view beiing a young girl growing up in a fascist Terror state.

I think you found the one true purpose of your life. I enjoy every video so much. The camera work, the editing, the blended in footage, the respect you have for these soldiers really emanates thorugh your and your teams work.

Thank you for preserving this history in a medium that has the potential to be around as long as the human race will make it.I like to imagine that 200 years from now, there will be a classroom filled with students watching one of your interviews and can really be enveloped by the Zeitgeist of this era.

I wish you only the best, and will watch everything you will put out as long as you are willing to do this important work.



Its always a great day when MOW2 uploads a video. Thanks team.


RIP Jack, you were a true American patriot 🇺🇸


That story was like the end of The Human Comedy only better because the son of the house actually made it home. So good!
The detail with which he remembered all of those incidents was extraordinary. I felt like I was in the cockpit with him at times. What a guy! What a life!


I can only be silent, and awed when I consider your service, Mr. Hallett. Thank you, Sir!


8:30 Wow, I can really see the kid in him and truly relate to the type of humour these young men had. At the end of the day they were the same as us, kids forced to grow up fast, undertaking in an incredible event, making them legends and heroes. Although this man will probably never see this, a huge thank you to you and all those who fell fighting for our future, the greatest generation who ever lived. ❤🕊


I have tears in my eyes every time I watch these interviews


Another incredible story, I couldn't imagine being in their shoes back then. RIP Jack Hallett.
I was very curious on what happened to John Rufas Lund and found out he passed away on February 14th 2005 at age 88. RIP John Lund.


He lived a long life! Thank you for letting him share his story with us.


Don't ever forget these men. The powers that be couldn't do what they are till these men were gone.
