TurtleWoW on Fire over these Class changes! 1.17.2

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Today we talk about some of the design decisions being made for Vanilla Classes in TWoW and how some of these decisions may have unintended consequences. Tons of positive changes as well but, today were focusing on some of the changes negative impacts.

Overall I'm very confident in TWoW devs ability to adjust accordingly to deliver an overall great end result.

I use Warrior as a primary example but the idea is that there are deeper ramifications to changes like this across all the Classes that may have unintended consequences.

Intro 0:00
Fundamental Gameplay Mechanic Change Discussion 1:11
Balancing Discussion 3:01
Classes Feeling the Same: 4:32
Design decision with Warrior having unintended consequence: 5:35
Mage's concern with Blizzard Changes: 6:26
Important Note - Positive Changes also included: 7:21
Concerns over Racial Changes: 8:44
Warstomp Might be too severe a change: 11:00
Bloodfury Also a strong change: 11:46
Understand all the Horde players: 12:31
Changes are not yet finalized, Stay hopeful: 13:06

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I dont understan warstomp nerf, all races got 1 thing nerfed, one buffed more or less, but taurens just got a nerf. Why? They were neither most popular race or the best by any means.


if pvp is a problem just make will of the forsaken share a cooldown with the pvp trinket, no need to nerf will of the forsaken to the ground


While the changes are a mixed bag, I think they're positive for the most part. Shaving 0.5 seconds off my tauren stun is a small price to pay for viable melee hunters.


I got banned off Discord and all if did was voice my main concern regarding a statement they made about "Shockadins". " We acknowledge many players enjoy shockadins, but we will proceed to remove them because we choose to stick with our vision of the game where shockadins have no place"

Something like anyways..

Now here is what i wrote wich got me banned in the end.

Main concern is that TWoW is NOT a f2p game simply because u have an in game shop.

And the deal is for anyone making a product coupled with financial incentives that you provide a product people want. Did people want these changes? Time will tell...

Because with their statement regarding shockadins. What that means is that players pay for THEIR vision regardless if the players likes where the game is heading.

What this YouTuber pointed out is exactly what i believe many who plays on TWoW agree with is that in order to "keep the spirit of vanilla" you need to ADD and perfect the gameplay that is the core of the game.

With the nerfing of Horde racials just shows how out of touch TWoW is with their audience.

Even though 70% of the players (Alliance) might think this was a great thing and that Horde have had it coming for a long time. Well .. The balance shifted hard in favor of Alliance instead and players will either reroll to Alliance or quit the game all together.

But here is what's really bad and might actually kill the server all together is that ppl stop playing Horde all together and a major core of vanilla is 2 opposing factions.

The game is already a 1 faction experience since you can trade, do instances and even raid with the opposing faction. Mixed PvP BG's has to be implemented and immersion will be all together completely wiped.

I'll be frank... TWoW comes off as pigheaded and seem to not have a very good understanding from a birds eye perspective what TWoW, it"s community and why it even exists today. I agree with alot of points this YouTuber made, except for the part where the devs behind TWoW care about the players and the vanilla experience. That's simply not true given what they have done.

Me getting banned from their Discord makes that obvious to me. (People may think i'm lying about this. So take it with a grain of salt i suppose)

Players should really try not to focus on their favorite class or faction and whether they got a nerf or buff. The issue with this patch runs far deeper then that, they have lost the plot and there is a real possibility that TWoW will not recover from this.

The guild i'm part of is one of the top tier guilds on the whole server with everything on a weekly farm basis and the consensus is that ppl will stick around to check out the new content. But 50% of the whole playerbase either mains warrior or have an alt warrior they play on a regular basis. And player will not stick around because on how the class changes impacts warrior and how the class is played.


These changes aren't perfect and that's fine. However, I do think that they are going to make the game better overall. For every ''bad'' change there's at least 20 good ones


They should make two patches, one for the pvp server and one for the pve. It's impossible to balance both things at the same time. Or better to leave it like that, I don't see a problem with leaving it "unbalanced", each class has its qualities and defects that can be bad and good in different situations and that's what makes them unique and interesting.


I would say, i agree with 70-80% of the changes that the devs presented. And we don't know exactly how it will play, because we didn't played it and we don't know of the impact of the new items.

I hope they will tweak some Racials again.


Love the class changes, can't wait for the patch


I mean I think in some cases the changes are a little much, but all in all honestly the changes look good.


We had a little exchange in the comment section earlier today on the previous video. I just want to say that I really appreciate that you posted this video, too! :) *Liked!


I could not have said this better myself! Devs on Twow are passionate and they are gonna listen to the communities concerns unlike Blizz. im talking about many of the same things in my upcomning videos. But u've got some really great points!


got to naxx on turtle wow on my hunter a year+ ago. the only major change that sticks with me outside of added zones was steady shot for hunters. real game changer. no need to melee weave. It was a phenomenal change for hunters.

i feel like the T wow team wont f. this up too bad. even if they do - they'll actually listen when people complain and revert some changes


As a paladin I'm concerned as well. Mechanically speaking there are a lot of improvements but still.. I researched a lot the class, the synergies, the unique items that only paladins can use and so on..

I invested a lot of time, effort and gold to do that and suddenly I feel many of the results of those efforts are being taken away from me.

Idc much if my class is mechanically better, I'm not on twow for that.

If I just wanted that I would just play retail.


The reason Turtle WoW appeals to me is because it has changes. #NoChanges was the worst thing about WoW Classic because it completely distorted the way people played the game. Everyone knew which classes were OP, everyone knew what gameplay mechanics to exploit, how to do all content, and so it NEVER EVER had the same feeling as true vanilla WoW where you never knew what to expect. Between 2004-2007, vanilla WoW changed thousands of things in terms of balance, mechanics, content, functionality, etc, etc.

I'm with you though. I prefer they buff things rather than nerf. If they buff something and it's too strong, they can tune it. But if they nerf or remove something and it's now way too weak, it will simply make the players affected a lot more upset.


Windfury nerf and no shockadin. Turtle+ but not vanilla


Why you always saying subtraction is a bad thing? Yes there was a study a while ago that said nerfs FEEL 5 times worse to players than buffs or something like that. Or was it 2 times? Idk but it FEELS way worse to lose strength.

If you nerf 10% damage and then 1 year later you buff 10% damage plus 1 second cooldown players will still feel like they lost out on something...

Yea all that is understandable i guess. But idc about your feelings if they just keep buffing everything they just powercreeping too much.


Pvp tuning had always been bad for pve players. Instead, PVP should have a debuff that balances abilities while in pvp areas. Simple doest effect PVE. SOD has this issue constant complaints on forums of pvp mechanics that then harm pve


Everything is open to changes, and none has been publicly played yet - just relax and see. Unless you are a purist.


Oof. Glad I'm not playing it now.

Always buff the weak rather than nurf the strong.

Power creep making PvE content too easy? Then buff the PvE content.

It's that simple.


The impression i get is they're overall trying to prioritize QoL specially in "underdog" specs. Then you have pvp motivated changes, and then negative rebalance changes or nerfs targeted at popular specs. I agree some of the pvp motivated changes and some nerfs are unnecessary, others i don't mind even if people are losing their minds over them, like the blizzard nerf, i think it's ok to nerf mage aoe farming, rammification wise it's good for the health of a server to make it harder for aoe farmers in such a competitive game when it comes to pve. People who only play mage to aoe farm will jump to the next best farming class/strat, or go to another server, except they won't cause they're not gonna pay monthly subscriptions to play something even more custom or a dead p.server.

But yeah, trying to give tools to everyone will inevitably make classes more homogeneous.
