Men Vs. Women In Sports

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*This video does not promote hate or harm of any person based on their gender, relationship status, race or class. The goals of this video is to promote healthy choices specifically for men in lifestyle, finances and in emotional relationships.

*This video is designed for entertainment and information purposes only. All advice discussed in this video (and this channel) are my personal opinion and are based on my personal experiences. I am not a licensed therapist, psychologist, marriage counselor, medical doctor, dietician, or financial advisor. You are responsible for your own actions. You should not act or rely upon any of the information contained herein without seeking professional advice.
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They wanted it, now they've got it.


Of the top 100 chess players, 2 are female. So it's not only physical sports that men excel.


The record for sheep shearing is about 870 for men and 600 for women.
When I was 35 I was shearing (supposedly the toughest job in the world) and within 9 months of training, made the Aussie age group team, finished 35th at the Aussie duathlon race (beating all the women) and my triathlon times would have put me on the podium often in the womens categories, and I was a terribly slow swimmer and just above ave runner.


LOL - LOVE the Angry 'OoooHHH!' sprinkled in - Hahahahaha


Yeah women and men may have equal potential in terms of smarts/brains but when it comes to physical stuff men will always have way more potential .


1. How much Child Support from your disposable income (after taxes, etc…) will you have to pay your ex-spouse after divorce and for how long? In California, the range is 55%-65%, so check for your particular State/Country.
2. How much Alimony will you have to pay your ex-spouse after divorce? In California, after 10 years of marriage, the range is a certain percentage of your income for life, so check for your State/Country.
3. If your spouse is a “stay at home individual” will you have to pay for their lawyer, etc… during divorce proceedings? In California, the working spouse must pay not only for his lawyer, etc…, but also for the lawyer of the “stay at home individual.” Check this for your particular State/Country.
4. Is Marriage beneficial to you when the other party gets financial incentives when divorced?
5. Does Co-habitation and what time length constitutes marriage/common law marriage for your particular State/Country?
1. Prenuptial Agreements are mostly worthless.
2. Do not marry abroad and bring your spouse to the U.S. as the U.S. legal system does not differentiate between foreign or domestic person residing in the U.S. and the same divorce laws will apply. “Passport Bros” need to understand the divorce laws of the particular foreign country they reside in before marriage. Some countries have reciprocity laws for child support.
3. Divorce is a business contract and all comes down to money.
4. The Divorce Industrial Complex (DIC’s) is designed to take your assets and resources and incentivizes divorce. People who work for this industry have families to feed, bills to pay, etc.. Without you getting divorced, they don’t have a job; thus, it’s beneficial if your marriage fails. DISCLAIMER: Not all divorce is bad i.e. physical abuse/child abuse, etc…, so these particular DIC’s are performing society a service.

MGTOW RULES: (I’m trying to compile a comprehensive list of “Thou Shall Nots”, so if you have any to be included please send them my way. I will do my best not to repeat any and thank you for your input.)

Avoid situations where you are 1 on 1 with women you don't personally know. (False accusations are high and virtually unpunished)
No Babysitting (Suggest Parental Responsibility)
No Cohabitation (No female clothing, toothbrushes, etc at your place as suggest cohabitation)
No Dating Single Mothers
No “Foodie Calls”
No Providing Attention or Validation to Females
No Sex with crazy/drunk woman (May lead to false allegations)
No Simping
No Staring at Women in the Gym
Protect your seed
Protect your wallet

No relationships with addicts (drug, alcohol, gambling, etc)
No relationships with feminists
No relationships with "woke" ideological women
No relationships with oddities (hair color, piercings, tattoos, etc)
No relationships with out of physical shape women
No relationships with mental issues (whether chemical deficient, "daddy issues", or trauma induced)
No relationships with women with criminal records
No relationships with divorced women (we never get the full story so avoid them)
No relationships with women who use "disparaging" statements about men negatively (misogynist, "man-splaining", patriarchy, etc)
No relationships with "boss babes"
No relationships with women who are against traditional femininity (saying she won't "cook, clean, or obey").
No relationships with women who has in the past cheated.
No relationships with women who has current friends who has cheated in the past.
No relationships with women who maintain relationships of questionable natures that oppose the principles of MGTOW.
No relationships with women without open phone policy.
No relationships with women who can’t define what a woman is.
No relationships with women who inquire about your salary/income on a date.
No relationships with women who insist on girls night out, get away, going to a bachelorette party, etc without you.
No relationships with women unless she has in writing that on separation you get primary custody of the children on any kind of separation.
No relationships with women where she requires marriage unless she presents to you a prenup signed by her attorney that punishes her for infidelity, keeps her from making any claims for any of your earnings/retirement, protects your assets, pays for your legal fees, for your attorney to review (so it'll be much harder to throw out in court because she's the one suggesting the prenup).
As women get older say post 35 you need to ask why is she single.

What you should do if you are considering cohabitating with your significant other. 1. Consider entering into a cohabitation agreement before moving in together. It can set the ground rules for financial and other arrangements and may prevent a lot of headaches if the relationship doesn't last. 2. Hold title to any major purchases in the name of the person(s) paying for it. If you buy a car with your own down payment and make all the monthly payments yourself, the car should be in your name only. Joint purchases, however, should be in the names of both parties. 3. Keep finances separate if you want to avoid heated disputes in the event the relationship terminates. 4. Keep accurate records of your financial contributions to any property held by your partner. 5. Write "gift" or "loan" on checks written to your partner if you want to negate any possible suggestion that you have been supporting them, which is an issue that can arise in a post-break-up "palimony" lawsuit. 6. Palimony is similar to alimony, where one partner must pay the other partner after breaking up, except these ex-partners were never married. Remember that a never-married parent has the same child support obligations as a once-married parent. Cohabitation: What to Avoid Never commingle your money by opening joint accounts, incurring joint debts, or making joint purchases if you want to avoid legal complications and the possibility of a "palimony" suit for the support of your partner after a split. Avoid holding title to major purchases in your partner's name alone if you are both paying for that property, even if they orally agree that the house or car belongs to both of you. The deed or title is more convincing evidence than one partner's allegation of a spoken promise. Be cautious about co-signing or guaranteeing debts that are incurred by your partner unless you intend to be equally responsible for paying them back, even if you should split up. Remain financially independent of your partner so that you can support yourself in the future. Whereas divorced spouses may have the legal obligation to support each other, especially if one gave up a career to take care of the home and children, the same is not true of former cohabitants. Either keep up your skills and contacts in the job market or consider a written agreement setting forth your partner's legal obligation to help support you if the relationship ends. Avoid holding yourselves out to the public as a married couple or using the same last name, even casually, if you want to avoid the legal complications of a "palimony" suit or the potential for common-law-marriage status should the relationship end.


just for this is even a thing men vs women tells everybody how fucked up everything is


The US Women's National Soccer team played a match against a bunch of 15-16 year-old boys. They lost 5-2.

This is the same team that won the Women's World Cup. That's all you need to know.


I would be willing to be any amount of money that if men could give birth they would handle it much much better then women do.


"MAC In Row" is how it's pronounced. Sheesh


I (a male) ran as fast as the 4th fastest woman in history in the 100 meter dash when I was still a teenager. I wasn't even in the top 4 guys on my junior college team. I barely made the relay yet I would have medlaled in the olympics if I raced the top women.


Let's make all sports men against women and commit to 20 years of that practice to see how it goes... at the same time we can make some sports mixed... best players get on the team... not many women would make it... but if we did that for 20yrs, maybe they learn that women can't beat men.


And FIFA women's has just up'ed the prize money by over $150m. Go figure!


How is it you don’t know how to say McEnroe - MackEnRow…
The first of a few mistakes - misquotes - in this particular clip. I’m pretty sure you quoted the 1500m swimming event as the 500m… which isn’t a recognized swimming distance.

That’s not to say I disagree with your fundamental points - it’s just that our (men’s) arguments lose potency when inaccuracies are included.


But the women look better in their red swimsuits 😉


Oui en effet Il y a encore beaucoup de progrès à réaliser beaucoup beaucoup énormément avant de vouloir faire n'importe quoi changer les il les elle les yel faites déjà le minimum dans les autres disciplines ça sera déjà un grand exploit un immense exploit au lieu de délirer.
