A man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), which people are the best?'

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A man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), "O Messenger of Allah, which people are the best?" The Prophet replied, "Those whose lives are long and whose deeds are good." The man then asked, "And which people are the worst?" The Prophet said, "Those whose lives are long but whose deeds are evil."

A long life coupled with good deeds is something to be envied. Conversely, a long life filled with evil deeds is something to be avoided.

In this hadith, we learn that a man inquired about the best and worst of people. The Prophet (peace be upon him) explained that the best individuals are those who live long lives and perform righteous actions. By utilizing their long lifespan for virtuous deeds, they can attain happiness in both worlds.

The man then asked about the opposite scenario. The Prophet replied that those who live long lives but commit evil deeds are the worst. Their long lives only serve to increase their sins. This indicates a life of misery in both worlds.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned in numerous hadith the characteristics of the best and worst people, as well as the best and worst deeds. However, in each instance, he tailored his response to the specific question and the circumstances of the people he was addressing, providing comprehensive guidance for his followers.

God knows best

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A man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), "O Messenger of Allah, which people are the best?" The Prophet replied, "Those whose lives are long and whose deeds are good." The man then asked, "And which people are the worst?" The Prophet said, "Those whose lives are long but whose deeds are evil."

A long life coupled with good deeds is something to be envied. Conversely, a long life filled with evil deeds is something to be avoided.

In this hadith, we learn that a man inquired about the best and worst of people. The Prophet (peace be upon him) explained that the best individuals are those who live long lives and perform righteous actions. By utilizing their long lifespan for virtuous deeds, they can attain happiness in both worlds.

The man then asked about the opposite scenario. The Prophet replied that those who live long lives but commit evil deeds are the worst. Their long lives only serve to increase their sins. This indicates a life of misery in both worlds.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned in numerous hadith the characteristics of the best and worst people, as well as the best and worst deeds. However, in each instance, he tailored his response to the specific question and the circumstances of the people he was addressing, providing comprehensive guidance for his followers.

God knows best

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