Nasa Has Found Oceans Of Water On Mars But There’s A Problem

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NASA has uncovered a groundbreaking discovery: a massive subsurface reserve of liquid water on Mars. This hidden reservoir is big enough to flood the planet with a mild deep ocean, resolving the long-debated topic of whether Mars still has water. But while we know where the water is, there is still a big problem with future exploration. What is the new challenge preventing further exploration, and how exactly did the water get there in the first place? Join us as we explore this and more.

Around 3.7 billion years ago, on what is now Mars, a flash flood swept a large boulder into a fast-moving river. The river carried it downstream into a delta where the water met a lake inside a massive 45 km-wide crater, the remnant of an ancient asteroid impact. Eventually, the boulder sank to the bottom of the lake. Flash floods like this were common on ancient Earth, but this wasn’t Earth—it was Mars during a time when the red planet had vast lakes, a thick atmosphere, a warmer climate, and perhaps even life. Fast forward to today, and Mars looks nothing like it once did. The lakes have dried, the atmosphere has thinned, and the planet is cold and barren. But the story doesn’t end there. If you’ve been following this channel, you know Earth’s history is full of radical changes. Similarly, Mars has gone through its own series of transformations, many of which we’re only now beginning to understand. While we’ve been asking questions about Mars for centuries, it’s only recently, with the help of modern space exploration, that we’re starting to piece together its ancient past. The hunt for water is over—Mars had it. Now the focus shifts to a bigger question: Could life have ever existed on the red planet? This question can be easily answered if we have access to the water trapped on Mars. But why can’t we explore it?

00:00 Intro
00:48 Early Mars vs. Now
02:25 Important context
6:38 Where Is The Hidden Water On the Martian Surface?
08:41 Has NASA discovered water on the red planet?
11:32 What is the future of exploration of Mars?
#insanecuriosity #mars #wateronmars
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Actually they have found nothing of the sort. All they actually have is a rather fanciful idea that there might be a bit of water 12 miles below the surface. So when we collonise Mars and start terraforming it (very likley) we'd best take some very long drills.


Venus is the most suitable planet for terraforming using ice asteroids as hydrogen is the primary element needed to cause the planet's gravitational field to be more like the sun which pushes Venus's orbit further away from the sun


Ah think that ya need a machine not unlike the one that drilled under the English Channel to form the Chunnel.That could be done, just to a smaller version.


What about the thin layer of perchlorate covering the martian surface? Suphur dioxide powder. As well as the ferrous perchlorate compounds and the photo reactive soil. If theres water buried in mars may be deluted carbolic acid. Also the obvious question: if the near vacuum winds on mars have been blowing for nearly one or two billion years, why are there flat, clean surfaces on the rocks? What has been keeping all those rocks nearly dust free?


Curiosity rover sol 1065 contains evidence of ancient complex life. There is a Martian female in it. If you don't believe it then download the sol and see for yourself.


Mars is very VERY far away from Earth. I agree with many that think we should focus on the Moon and / or Earth’s oceans for any immediate colonization.


This video is incredibly interesting! The way you explained the discovery of underground water on Mars is so easy to understand and engaging


"Marsquakes" 😂
It would still be a earthquake.. Mars has earth/ground🤷‍♂️ Our planet earth actually has the name Tellus in latin.


Isn't that StarTalk's intro?


Well !!! Actually that’s something not new !!!! What probably happens was that the oceans frosted some how long time ago, and maybe those oceans are there, and what ever we thing is a solid ground, it maybe a very thin layer of dost that is on top of the oceans frozen water ice . Just like in Antarctica or North Pole here in earth .


What is an "aquafire" ? do you mean aquifer? .. Meaning groundwater?


I hope they don't expose that water, if it IS there, to the atmosphere as it currently is. It'll be gone in no time !


14 minutes of saying nothing. Complete bullshit.


They found that water a very long time ago but kept it from us because "they" don't want us to know there is life there. Life is most definitely abundant in the universe.


When you consider on earth the deepest they have drilled is over 7 miles in RUssia I doubt if they will be able to get to that water on Mars any time soon, like maybe in a 100 years.


Great video and information about Mars !


If there's water than it's can easily Terraform.Shape it for life's to become inhabitable for all livings to embark on.


I think Humans use to live on Mars but the knowledge/information was destroyed or lost.
