I Will NOT Be Reading These Books | Anti-TBR Tag

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Catcher in the Rye & The Great Gatsby were such a waste of my life 😂 we had the chance to pick a book in English class to read in small groups and I was outvoted so we read Catcher in the Rye—all three of us hated—and then we had to write monologues and present them to the class and the bitterness my teenage self was filled with during my presentation was high 😂


I love Catcher in the Rye. I read it in high school and didn't get it. I thought Holden was spoiled and whiny. Then I read it as an adult, and saw it in a whole new light. I now see Holden as a young man really struggling with depression and the loss of his brother. I recognize the guilt he feels for not being the one who died. He has no emotional bond with anyone except his little sister, and she's a child who can't give him the help he needs to overcome his grief, depression, and hopelessness. He has no connection with his parents. No one around him recognizes his deep depression and the danger he and others are in. If Holden had been a teen during this generation in the United States, he would most likely have access to guns and gone down the path of committing a horrible crime. That book reflects how society ignores boys/young men suffering from depression and grief.
I also love The Great Gatsby. Again, there is so much being said about society, class, and depression.
I hate Outlander. With a passionate hate. I am still angry about my wasted time reading the first book. It was the first book I actually wanted to rip up and throw away. Assault is not something I find erotic at all. Plus, the author made so many errors that I am amazed the editor didn't catch it. I mean a WWll front line nurse who then doesn't recognize blood on a doorstep and needs her all knowing hubby to mansplain that what they see is blood? Give me a damn break.
I will never read Lolita or Lord of the Flies.


Love how you premised this all with a "I will never read this book, but also never say never" haha that's so relatable, honestly!
For some reason I love hearing someone say how they didn't enjoy a book that a lot of people are loving because I feel like it almost validates my freedom to also not like it, if that makes sense. Somehow it feels safer going into books with a "some love it some feel meh about it".


I read Catcher in the Rye at school, it was dire, I keep thinking I should re-read it to see if I feel different but just nope! Also, fellow Scot here and I have absolutely no interest in Outlander either.


I'm so glad to hear another person say they didn't love Rebecca! I thought we got awfully little pay-off for hundreds of pages of repetitive foreshadowing. And I'd been sitting there drumming my fingers from page fifty onwards like, "Yeah, yeah, I get it: doom is impending. Now can we get to it already?!" 🙄


These types of videos are so fun, just seeing how everyone is so different. When you got to the genre question I was like “high fantasy is the only genre I can’t get into” and you went on about how much you love it. 😂


I loved The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes- not because it was fun to read but because I think she really hit the nail on the head with the reason why Snow turned out so horrible. I read many reviews that said it showed that Snow was just evil to begin with but it felt more like he was extremely privileged and felt pressure to maintain that. So much so that whenever he had a choice to do the right thing, he himself didn‘t believe he did (if that makes any sense). I feel like so many people these days have the same tendencies so I found that extremely interesting.


So funny what you said about urban fantasy, I love urban fantasy but can't get into historical fantasy as much.


omg thank you for doing my tag jean!!! i was never a twilight fan either & the buzz for midnight sun last was crazzzzy! loved hearing your answers <3


The Great Gatsby - lol, I'm with you. I read it last year and just felt like it was for old white men. 😂


I feel the same about Outlander! Oh I read Gone With the Wind when I was 8 (maybe 9.) My mom loved the movie.


Have you tried the Kate Daniels series? It's my absolute favorite Urban/Paranormal fantasy series with super memorable characters and diverse mythological creatures and concepts populating its world😆
Love your channel and would greatly enjoy the vid about series you DNFed💕


Really enjoyed your honesty in this video! I feel the same way about urban fantasy too. Also, love your star print top!


My answers off the top of my head:
1. Popular book no interest in reading - the Malazan series. Is that popular enough? Oooh, the Poppy War is one.
2. Classic I'll never read - War and Peace, or Doctor zhivago
3. Author I have no interest in - CC & SJM, I tried a small % of ACOTAR & Throne of Glass, and City of Bones, but knew very quickly neither author was for me! Oh and Holly Black too.
4. Author I've read a couple books of that's not for me - Neil Gaiman, now i LOVE his narrating and so have listened to a few of his books (Coraline, Neverwhere, The Graveyard Book, & Norse Mythology), but his style/genre is not really for me. However there is one exception so far- I listened to the Ocean at the end of the Lane this month and LOVED that one.... ! I may reread the others to see if I feel any differently, maybe my tastes are evolving!
5. Genre I've tried but not for me - Neither of these I've really PROPERLY tried but I think it would be horror (except classic gothic horror like Dracula, and Frankenstein, both of which I DO like), and Romance.
6. Book I bought but will never read - Game of Thrones
7. Series I DNF'd - Dresden Files, Eragon, An Ember in the Ashes...
8. New release I have no interest in reading - I'm gonna agree with the Hunger Games one (and all of Twilight haha...) as not that aware of current new releases either; so far I've only read book 1 of the original Hunger Games and loved it so will be reading the other two but I know I will have no interest in the new one.

I loved Rebecca!!


I love this tag. And I loved Outlander?? (The first 4) but then I see its problems and I can understand how one could not be interested in reading it at all. I admit I was curious on your take on it especially when you were on the highlands romance project but I thought you either had already read it and not enjoyed it or didn’t have an interest in it. I find funny that people recommend it to you though, I’d assume you’d know that it is around 🤣


I just came across your channel and I completely agree with you on midnight sun and the catcher in the rye just no thank you!


if you ever change about trying Daphne Du Maurier, you could give her short stories a shot. They gave me similar vibes to Shirley Jackson's short stories. I think they might solve your pacing issue with her. I read her short story Don't Look Now and it was amazing. I'm pretty sure there is a movie too.


Aw man no Catcher In The Rye? That was the one book I read in high school that I liked.


Super random, but this month i am finally getting around to a book you recommended back in 2016!!! called. "Goddess, Whores Wives in Antiquity", low key a flex to show that ive been a sub for THAT long.. :P


I read all four Sierra Simone books after you talked about the first one. Even without the thing you mentioned, the ending and final reveals to the mysteries were very unsatisfying. I think you made the right call.
