Perverse schobers and semi-orthogonal decompositions - Mikhail Kapranov

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Vladimir Voevodsky Memorial Conference
Topic: Perverse schobers and semi-orthogonal decompositions
Speaker: Mikhail Kapranov
Affiliation: Institute for Advanced Study
Date: September 14, 2018
Topic: Perverse schobers and semi-orthogonal decompositions
Speaker: Mikhail Kapranov
Affiliation: Institute for Advanced Study
Date: September 14, 2018
Perverse schobers and semi-orthogonal decompositions - Mikhail Kapranov
Marcello Bernardara: Semiorthogonal decompositions and birational geometry of geometrically rational
Mikhail Kapranov - Perverse schobers on surfaces via Ran categories
1100 Words you need to know - W6 D2 | Perverse Vs Obstinate
Mikhail Kapranov - Algebra of the Infrared and Perverse Schobers
Perverse schobers and application - Mikhail Kapranov
Perverse sheaves, microlocal sheaves and perverse Schobers [3] - Mikhail Kapranov
Andrew Harder - 01-26-2017 - Noncommutative projective spaces and perverse schobers
M. Kapranov -- Perverse Schobers on surfaces and Fukaya categories with coefficients
M.Kapranov, IHES, July 3, 2018 - Perverse schobers, Fukaya categories with coefficients
Perverse sheaves, microlocal sheaves and perverse Schobers [2] - Mikhail Kapranov
Winter School JTP: Perverse sheaves and schobers on Riemann surfaces, Tobias Dyckerhoff
Perverse Sheaves by Joseph Bernstein, Lecture 14 (27.12.2016)
Perverse Sheaves by Joseph Bernstein, Lecture 8
Mikhail Kapranov. Super-geometry.
Mirror symetry for elementary birrational cobordisms (Gabriel Kerr)
D-Modules and Toric Schobers
M. Kapranov: N-spherical functors, 02-01-2018
Y. Varshavsky - Perverse equivariant sheaves on loop Lie algebras, and affine Springer theory
Xin Jin: Microlocal sheaf categories and the J-homomorphism
Glenn STEVENS - Modular Symbols, K-theory, and Eisenstein Cohomology
V.Shende, IHES, July 5, 2018 - 'Axiomatics of the wrapped Fukaya category'
HMS Lecture: Andrew Harder
[Quadranscentennial KIAS Lecture] Prof. Maxim Kontsevich (IHES) II