How to play Pyramid (aka Ride the Bus) | (Drinking Game)

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Learn the rules to the drinking game Pyramid (Ride the Bus) quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. While there are many variations to Pyramid (Ride the Bus), this video covers the original base rules.

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This is a drinking game. If you would like to play without alcohol, use water instead and add this rule: whenever a player goes to the bathroom, they are eliminated from the game. The last player standing wins.

Shuffle a standard 52 card deck of playing cards and deal a 6 card wide pyramid of face down cards on the table. Deal Four cards to each player. Players look at their cards once and then set them back down. A player that’s not participating begins flipping over cards one by one, starting with the bottom row of the pyramid and going upwards. If a player has a card of the same rank as the one flipped, or if they want to bluff, they can call on the other players to take a drink. The number of drinks depends on the row number. For the bottom row players must drink once. For the next row they drink twice and so on up to the final row where they drink 6 times.

If a player thinks the caller is bluffing, they can challenge them. If the caller was bluffing, they must drink twice the amount assigned. If the caller wasn’t bluffing, they reveal the card, and the other player must drink twice the amount assigned. Keep playing until you complete the pyramid.

Thanks for watching, and remember: drink responsibly.
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"Another one rides the bus.
Another one rides the bus.
And another comes on
And another comes on,
Another one rides the bus.
Hey! He's gonna sit by you!
Another one rides the bus!"

-- Weird Al Yankovic
"Another One Rides The Bus"
Parody of "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen


This will get the party started quickly.


My mistake; I thought this was going to be about the solitaire game also called "Pyramid."


pretty sure this isn't ride the bus


Have you ever done a How to play video for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game?


I have suggested this months ago, but can you do Tri Peaks solitaire?


I have a major disadvantage for this game
For some reason i would need to go to the bathroom more then average
So im not doing this kind of game


Can you do monopoly how to play Chinese Mandarin version


This is bullshit pyramid not ride the bus
