Supreme Court Declines To Hear Trump Lawsuit On Wisconsin's 2020 Election Results | Hallie Jackson

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NBC's Pete Williams reports that the Supreme Court has declined to hear a lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign over Wisconsin's 2020 presidential election results. Aired on 3/8/2021.

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Supreme Court Declines To Hear Trump Lawsuit On Wisconsin's 2020 Election Results | Hallie Jackson
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Another loss?
He must be very tired of winning. He can't stop losing anymore.


Nobody lost any election like Trump... Over and over again.


Diaper Donny loses again. Maybe his minions will get the point.


love this.
definition of insanity: trying the same thing over and over expecting different results


He can't even rig SCOTUS...


Some quotes from the WI Supreme Court decision to understand why this was thrown out of the US Supreme Court:

“The Campaign's delay in raising these issues was unreasonable in the extreme, and the resulting prejudice to the election officials, other candidates, voters of the affected counties, and to voters statewide, is obvious and immense. Laches is more than appropriate here; the Campaign is not entitled to the relief it seeks.”

“The Campaign does not challenge that any individual voters' ballots lacked an application——an otherwise appropriate and timely issue. Rather, the Campaign argues this "application" is not an application, or that municipal clerks do not give this form to voters before distributing the ballot, in contravention of thestatutes. Regardless of the practice used, the Campaign would like to apply its challenge to the sufficiency of EL-122 to strike 170, 140 votes in just two counties——despite the form's use in municipalities throughout the state.9 Waiting until after an election to challenge the sufficiency of a form application in use statewide for at least a decade is plainly unreasonable.”

“The process of handling missing witness information is not new; election officials followed guidance that WEC created, approved, and disseminated to counties in October 2016. It has been relied on in 11 statewide elections since, including in the 2016 presidential election when President Trump was victorious in Wisconsin. The Campaign nonetheless now seeks to strike ballots counted in accordance with that guidance in Milwaukee and Dane Counties, but not those counted in other counties that followed the same guidance. The Campaign offers no reason for waiting years to challenge this approach, much less after this election. None exists.”

“The Campaign now asks us to determine that all 17, 271 absentee ballots collected during the "Democracy in the Park" events were illegally cast. Once again, when the events were announced, the Campaign could have challenged its legality. It did not. Instead, the Campaign waited until after the election—— after municipal officials, the other candidates, and thousands of voters relied on the representations of their election officials that these events complied with the law. The Campaign offers no justification for this delay; it is patently unreasonable.”

“The Campaign's request to strike indefinitely confined voters in Dane and Milwaukee Counties as a class without regard to whether any individual voter was in fact indefinitely confined has no basis in reason or law; it is wholly without merit.”

“With respect to in-person absentee ballot applications, local election officials used form EL-122 in reliance on longstanding guidance from WEC. Penalizing the voters election officials serve and the other candidates who relied on this longstanding guidance is beyond unfair. The Campaign sat on its hands, waiting until after the election, despite the fact that this "application" form was in place for over a decade. To strike ballots cast in reliance on the guidance now, and to do so only in two counties, would violate every notion of equity that undergirds our electoral system.”

“Applying any new processes to two counties, and not statewide, is also unfair to nearly everyone involved in the election process, especially the voters of Dane and Milwaukee Counties.”

“These issues could have been brought weeks, months, or even years earlier. The resulting emergency we are asked to unravel is one of the Campaign's own making.”

“Striking these votes now——after the election, and in only two of Wisconsin's 72 counties when the disputed practices were followed by hundreds of thousands of absentee voters statewide——would be an extraordinary step for this court to take. We will not do so.”


How many times does he want to lose the same election?


Just a reminder even the supreme judge that he personally assign said no. 😂


The only way this country survives is if we are operating under the same set of FACTS.


No worries. He'll get his day in court.

As the defendant! 😆😆😆


The Judges tossed Trump's lawsuits into a dumpster behind the Supreme Court and set it on fire. 😄


"Well to the surprise of EXACTLY NO ONE" I guess that`s the sound of the fork being stuck in.


Almost as satisfying as seeing Trumpistan residents being continuously arrested after the Insurrection.


Trump lawyers saying sure I'll take the case but I need to get paid first


Can they now move on to hearing and deciding issues that have not been disproved over 70 times? Waste of the people's money and takes time from cases that have not been able to be heard.


It was the equivalent to saying your car was run into by another car but coming into court with no owner's permit for the car, pictures of car, pictures of the damage, insurance claims, witnesses, or any of these things for the other person involved. Just you saying it.


Don't worry Trump's supporters will still send him money


Yeah, a summary dismissal is what tends to happen when you waste the court's time with frivolous lawsuits.


If trump had only worked this hard when he had the office


✍How many times would he like to be told he LOST⚠️⚠️⚠️
