We’re BACK In the Fields! 2025 Season Starts Now!!!

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Lets slam that winter wheat in!



Welker Farms
P. O. BOX 771 Shelby Montana 59474

We Are One - Score Studio
Sack of Bones - Sum It
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The opening footage is my FAVORITE Welker’s farm view! Coby on the fender of a Big Bud.


Scott, just a reminder that without the machinery that you fix, maintain, and keep running, Nick could have ALL the ambition in the world, but without those machines, he'd be pretty stuck. You two make an awesome team together, which I'm sure makes your Dad very proud!! 😊


what impresses me the most is all the knowledge you guys have with all the technology. how farmers can maintain their equipment and fabrications. i know its a hard life but you guys make it look like its so much fun.


You guys deserve a good crop in 2025, after all the failures you endured, you are hard working and seem to handle any equipment failure, you are an amazing family and dad and Colby, it’s so cute the way he handles Colby, love it


We had a black cat when I was young. Mama and Daddy had friends over for supper, so I painted a stripe down his back with white shoe polish and turned him loose while they were eating. I have never chopped so much wood in my life.


Thanks for another great video Welkers. It was most interesting and enjoyable to watch for sure.

Once again, your introduction to the video was absolutely inspiring and fantastic!!!!’ A beautiful and wonderful intro to farming in
Great job on the

Ever so glad you got those rains to give you MOISTURE for seeding your winter wheat crop-a blessing from above for sure. I can understand why you are pushing to get the winter wheat in the ground because now you have the moisture for a good start. Just

Love the idea of running the seeder through the nite to cover as many acres as possible. With the Big Bud down waiting for a wheel bearing it was important to run the other one to cover as many acres as possible.
We have done that ourselves to bet the weather getting our crop in. I kind of enjoyed running the tractor though the night ; kind of gave you the feeling of empowerment and a great sense of the crop is in the ground - mission
Nice going

Sincerely hope the bearing part shows up and you can get the Big Bud going with the other seeder and cover twice as much acres. Will be anxious for the next video to see how you came out.

You deserve a really good year with moisture after the last few years.
Sending my blessings to you all. May god watch over you all.

The Iowa farm boy. Steve


Dad is awesome!!! Love his humor and watching him enjoy farming probably more now than ever!!! Thank you Walker family for sharing your farm life with us!!!


B-L-E-S-S-I-N-G = moisture! I was the "night' Guy and I loved running at night because 2 things: engines seemed to run better and the dark was like a dense forest that encompassed you. Unfortunately, I didn't have Coby as my shot-gunner 👍😎✝ God Bless!


I love seeing Coby resting on the Bib Bud fender, when underway. Bob and Coby what a duo.


Back on the home place, our summer fallow got behind on the cultivation. Weeds waist high. My bother and I kept our IHC 660 and the Kruse chisel cultivator going for 1 solid week. Tractor never shut down. We fueled and lubed the machine, swapped drivers and kept going. I liked the night shift. Cool and when it was clear, you could see all the Heavens from horizon to horizon. We eventually finished with that, and started preparing for wheat harvest with the IHC SP-140. Great memories of my youth close to Big Sandy.


Those Big Buds look so awsome. One day I would like to watch them work from a safe distance. It is so inspiring to see them in the field doing what they do so well. Hats off to you guy for keeping them running.


Welkers “Rock around the clock tonight” to get the job done! Mr. Welker has instilled humor, an impressive work ethic and self reliance into his sons, real American values! Much respect Sir!


Coby on the fender...you know work is getting done!! Great idea going all night. got a sunset and a sunrise out of this. Very impressive. I really appreciate how you maximize your production when there is a problem. Tractor goes down, get both sprayers out, run the drill round the clock! Take advantage of the water coming in. very cool!!


Between dad and I we took turns. During harvest and planting we ran all nite long and mom amd my wife helped with the kids


Always love it when yall post. Can't wait for the Bud to be all fixed up... I feel ya with bearing failure! Both of our trucks recently had bad rear ends due to shot bearings. A much smaller scale but still very expensive for the everyday 9-5 folk. Good to see you guys staying busy and doing what you love. God bless you guys!!


When we were farming full time we never ran after dark since LED lights didn't exist in 1965. Our combine only had a 12 or 16 foot header, no rear wheel assist so we spent lots of time extracting the old Case combine from the mud. How I would love to do tillage with a big Case quad and harvest with that AF11. That's what dreams are made of.


Amazing, how you as one family working together. God bless you all.


What would be verry cool is to have somebody make a Damascus knife with the Welker crest engraved in the handle.
The Damascus made from the roller bearings of that large bearing.
To give away or to raffle off. With the proceeds give to someone in the farming community. Who has lost some one in a farming accident or has had a very bad health problem.


I love the dog riding the fender watching for something to chase


Pulling an all nighter is dedication as far as I'm concerned. Good job Welker
