Laravel Tip | Seed data when creating migrations | Migration and Seeder Run at once
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Do you know how to do 2 liner step into 1, How?
if you want to drop all table and migration you need to run
php artisan migrate:fresh
and then you can seed data by using second command
php artisan db:seed
but now you don't need to run two commands, one command will do both of the steps.
How to seed and migrate data
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
it will migrate and seed the data into the database.
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if you want to drop all table and migration you need to run
php artisan migrate:fresh
and then you can seed data by using second command
php artisan db:seed
but now you don't need to run two commands, one command will do both of the steps.
How to seed and migrate data
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
it will migrate and seed the data into the database.
Do you want to get learn more about the laravel, let's take eye on given below series.
Stripe Integration with Laravel cashier
Laravel step by step guide
Laravel Advance series
Laravel Multi role authentication
Laravel fullCalendar js series
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