War Thunder in 2024?

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Decompressing the BR is the one change that will MASSIVELLY improve the game.That and changing the MM so that you have a 50/50 BR +/- fights.


Air RB needs a major rework at top tier. Ideally reduce the current Air RB team sizes at tiers 6 and up and then add a separate Air RB EC mode with respawns.


My history-loving heart would love to see Soviet armoured cars from the 40s, more interwar tanks that had been made but not widely used, and the same with the planes. I'm not really bothered about the modern stuff.


The problem with the game is too many people want a modern fps in tanks. They want the shiny stuff. They want CQC, brawling, twitch shooting. They want everything that isn't realistic so you will continue to have tank fights at 100 meters in the middle of a city and little to no ww2 equipment. I do not play above 6.7 myself because br compression and power creeping really starts to worsen there. The player base has nobody to blame but themselves for the state of this game


At this point I think Star Citizen will get a proper volumetric damage system before Gaijin even considers fixing theirs...


I hope what we got for the last update isn't going to be the norm because we didn't get anything besides top tiers.

There are still gaps to be filled everywhere, nations lacking support vehicles for example, while we are getting yet another abrams, T-80 or challenger that plays exactly the same as the last one.
GRB at top tier is becoming a shit show thanks to all the premiums they added and russia is dominating to the point I don't even want to play anything near 11.0.

As for Air, oh boy this is bad. While people that already had their predecessors will enjoy the brand new top jets, people like me are done and gone.
Wanna play F3H-2 you just unlocked ? Fuck u, here all aspect missile. And if I want to avoid that, what's left ? Grinding with premiums ? Half of them face the current top jets and being annihilated in a shitty mirage against things like the grippen of the flanker is just not enjoyable. They're all powercrept to oblivion.

No matter the game mode, the ceiling never gets raised and top tier at the moment is one of the worst experience you can have unless you are yourself in it and can stomp on newcomers.

They could do an update without any vehicles or gimmick etc and just simply decompress the BRs that I would be happy.

Oh yeah and naval exists.


the problem with war thunder is that gaijin are implementing too big of a leap in era of jets, there are hundreds of aircraft from the 50's to 80's that are not in game but they decide on implementing things such as the f16, f15, su27, mig29 etc and they will keep adding new stuff until there is no more, and then nobody is going to be excited for any update as nothing in them will be "new" or top tier


I remember back in the days as the MiG-15, Sabre, IS-4M, Kingtiger 105 and Me262 were all top dogs


It's sad. I've fully transitioned to air sim only and would be perfectly fine with the devs just working on the awaited QoL updates - the ones they promised but withheld (assist counts as kill, hello), and the ones the community has been screaming for for years. For the love of god, stop trying to lure in new players and focus on keeping your existing players loyal. You're gonna need playerbase loyalty when you run out of nEw sHiNy thInGs.


What I hope for is an improvement for naval. I hope along with the submarines we will get increased brs to ~9.0. Maybe coastal can get seperated to a different gamemode too, but I think the best way to improve naval is scrap the naval rb and move to naval ec. There could be parts that work for coastal, and parts that work for submarines and bluewater. Also with increased naval brs we could see ASW aircraft such as the P-8A which could fit in nicely at 8.7ish.


an australian tech tree would be nice, they could add it when they add the f/a-18 or a new f-111 variant


I'm so jealous of that T18 Boarhound, I've wanted that for so long, I could pair it with my M8A1!


The french ifvs are definitely needed to buff up their line up for 11.0 they could have the jaguar ifv as the top because it gets spikes and I believe a 30mm auto cannon might be a 20


I would like more gamemodes to be added for air and maybe ground rb because I think its getting kinda repetitive to do the same thing over and over again


There are still some really significant vehicles missing at lower tiers. Still no actual bomber Mosquito, still no Sturmi which is arguably the most famous Finnish vehicle besides the BT-42. I'm also hoping that all in-game nations actually get their naval, despite there being so much time between Italian and French naval. I want my Swedish coastal defence ships...


Be hood t see more low tier props and tanks.
Maybe anther nation, ideally not a copy/ paste one.

Secretly I'm hoping for:
Vulcan, UK (or rather, Australia) F111
The Bone & Voodoo

Another great video and thoughts.
(Loved the 3 sailors comment. 😂)


How will it change?
The grind will get worse and the balancing will get worse.


Gaijin should add WW1 with smaller Maps and Zeppelins.


I miss the hour long battles on Korea with 1.0 biplanes


since i am an extremely active naval player i hope we get more coastal boats and trees even if they are sub trees and of course the big banger ships, i would like to see subs added, im a big fan of the IFVs and light tanks we have in game i hope we see more of those, i would like to see the events and battle passes focused on the minor nations for a change, more squadron vehicles preferably mid tier maybe cold war at highest, for aircraft id like more light attacker/trainer aircraft like the AMX that was a mint addition to that update, the Su-24 is long overdue, the rest of the century series the 102 and 106, id like to see more bombers especially
