What's next for Trump's travel ban

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A federal appeals court refused to reinstate a travel ban on travel and immigration from 7 Muslim countries, but President Donald Trump is vowing to keep up the legal fight. Former U.S. senior deputy district attorney Ron Bamieh joins CBSN to discuss Trump's other options with the ban.

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With the Appeals Court decision, this mean that the president of the United States does not have the supreme authority when it comes to the country security.


A rationalist viewpoint on this matter. I am a moderate independent voter and a retired U.S. Army Master Sergeant (1972-1993). The democratic party has adopted a tactic for use against the Trump administration which originally came from the environmental groups, and has been used for several years to stop developments they opposed. It is called “lawfare”. Think warfare but using the law instead of force of arms to achieve your ends. Basically the environmental groups tie up any development they oppose with continuous expensive suits and court actions hoping that eventually, due to cost and time, the developers will give up – and some do. Lawfare used against the Trump administration may tie up anything the democrats oppose until the next election comes around, at least that is their hope. This lawfare technique completely marginalizes the will of the people who voted for President Trump and his promise of change. It is basically an end run around the democratic election process as it uses courts friendly to the Democratic party to thwart the will of the people. It is time to put a stop to using activist courts in this way to achieve what you cannot do otherwise! Because of this, and a lot more from the democratic party, my wife and I find ourselves getting increasingly polarized to the right by the actions and very poor post-election conduct of the Democratic party and the far left. It is very apparent to my wife and I that the democratic party has been taken over by the far left and has completely renounced being moderate in their policies and approaches to resolving American issues. This has gotten so bad that my wife and I are very unlikely to vote for ANY further democratic candidate until the party moves back toward the political center. All we have seen from a Democratic party in Power from 2009-2016 was (a) increasing lawlessness and civil disorder, (b) a pandering to minority interests to the detriment of the majority, (c) a forced globalization of America no matter how ordinary Americans felt about it or were affected by it (d) ever increasing foreign adventurism and (e) and an unwillingness to deal with any REAL problem in preference to dealing with spurious social issues like the gender bathroom fiasco.
