JRE: 'Letter of Lentulus Reveals Shocking Truth About Jesus'

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JRE: "Letter of Lentulus Reveals Shocking Truth About Jesus"

For a long time, several images of Jesus Christ have depicted him as light skinned and light eyed in almost every portrait. However, checking through the letter written by Lentulus to Caesar, he described Jesus in a very detailed way that might contradict the famous paintings of the Lord. Many suggest the letter was a fake as Lentulus' existence was never mentioned anywhere in history.

But if the criticism turns out to be false, what could have been his relationship with Jesus Christ and how was he able to describe him so vividly like one who dined with Him daily?
Join us in this video as we unravel the truths in the letter Lentulus addresses to Caesar.
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I love Jesus, wether black or white 🙏🙏


It's like Eddie Griffin said
" who cares what the messenger looked like, did you get the message"?


Interesting. Did you know that the letter"J" wasn't created until the 1500s?


So many of the apocryphal gospels reveal the truths that the church did not want to be seen or heard.


Jesus trial records describe what Jesus looked like


I even had a dream of Jesus with him of golden brown wavy hair up to his shoulder and he has a beard, exactly how this picture on this video looks like, but was not able to see his whole face, I was allowed to walk around him to see his hair and clothing because I was curious how he looks like. He was wearing a white gown with a red sash sitting at the end of the red carpet on a throne. It was very bright, with no ceilings or walls to see nearby or clouds, just a white bright area that was leading me to a red carpet. My soul knows who he was, he was Jesus. He didn’t say his name my soul knew who he was, and the feeling I was feeling when I was there felt SO MUCH LOVE AND PEACE. I was going through hard times in my family and I prayed to him for help. I fell asleep after praying. So after checking him out, he did not say a word to me then my dream went to seeing him swinging on a high swing with children full of happiness and giggling and running after Jesus to try to touch his gown or feet. I woke up to people in my family talking so loud. I didn’t want to wake up because having to feel that Love and Peace where I was I didn’t want to wake up. I woke up not feeling sad, nor stressed. I was trying to figure what my dream meant. He wanted me to know he is real and seeing children following him on the swing with happiness, he was showing me to follow him and I will find happiness. That’s what I did, my life changed after this dream. He got me out of the bad situation I was in and found happiness. He does have brown golden wavy hair up to his shoulder and a beard, exactly how his picture is on this portrait on this video. My dream was back in 1997, up to this day it still feel like it was yesterday that I had this dream. I was wondering why I couldn’t see his whole face that includes with his eyes only his beard I can see, till I came across a verse in the Bible that you will NOT be able to see to his face, so I don’t know how these gentlemen drew a picture of his face when it says in the Bible that you cannot see his face if you dreamed of him or have a vision. I don’t know but if they did, they must be chosen to see him fully.


He's blond no diligence? Herod said blondish pilate said light hair ! Check the witnesses he had his mom's skin and his father's hair light hair dark skin so everyone watched him from a child!


His skin was black and in them times Africa was called Ethiopica and it stretched as far as iraq and sirea. The wholly land was in ethiopica in them times and there was no middle east.


None of the images of Yehua are accurate. His true image was revealed during HIS transfiguration in the desert showing his DIViNE and perfect image.


The western image of white Jesus is the image of Cesare Borgia, Roman emperors son


Jesus wasn't white nor did he have blonde hair. Not only was Jewish he was an Israelite. Native born Israelites have a darker skin tone plus they have dark hair. Also they kept their beards and hair short due to the presence of lice


Joshua is a white person's name and Mary is a white person's name 😅


So why is a picture of Joe Rogan there? How very deceptive. A good reason not to listen to this …..


Remember Yeshua was a Hebrew a Jew not like the paintings in Europe his bears was untrimmed he wore a prayer shawl his skin was dark from the Mediterranean sun his eyes dark brown and hair dark he wasn't like the British or European a Jew who worshipped at the temple in Jerusalem He was born in a Sukkah during the Feast of Tabernacles not in a stable like it was translated by😅 the Brit😅ish


Its possible that when Jesus Father Jehovah resurrected Jesus and he rose, the spirit left the nuclear image. Lets put it this way. Jesus Father Jehovah, isnt made of flesh, bones nor blood. Then what is he? Jehovah is a the most powerful Spirit, God Almighty Sovereign Ruler of the Universe. He is a Dynamic Energy.
Most religions don't acknowledge Jehovah much only the Son. The Roman catholic church has made that damage.


You said, "Revelations;" your argument is invalid.


Jesus is fictitious, he's as real as Harry Potter
