Globalisation and Inequality - Professor Douglas McWilliams

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Looking at globalisation and its impact on the world's distribution of income, it is argued that, while in individual countries it may raise inequality, the overall impact of transferring incomes from richer countries to poorer ones means that for the world as a whole, the process actually reduces inequality. Paradoxically, globalisation can reduce global inequality through the transfer of income from rich to poor countries, and inequality may rise as richer members of societies cope better with the massive change.

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Hi Michael,
Thanks for letting us know, and apologies for having ruined your enjoyment of the video. We're updating the audio on this file now and will have a new version, youtube conversion permitting, by the end of the week.
If you want to listen rather than watch, the audio only versions are available on our website. We've checked this lecture and it sounds much better there. The link is contained in the description.


I wanted to listen to this lecture because I'm interested in the topic - but the audio quality is atrocious, and it remains so throughout the whole video.

Please, Gresham College, fix the audio issues in your videos. This time it is especially bad, but in others where it is more bearable there nevertheless are issues with changing volume levels. I love your videos and would like to be able to listen more easily, not having to fidget with my audio controls.


Who were the customers ripped off in the sub-prime debacle?


He conveniently sidesteps the issue that while poverty may be decreasing in developing countries, it's increasing in the West because it's low income earners who are bearing the brunt of the wealth shift!!
