Can YOU Beat The HARDEST CHALLENGE in FNAF: INTO THE PIT (3 Star Ending, True Nightmare Mode)

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Into the pit has been a blast to play, and ever since this game came out, I've been trying to see if it's possible to complete it's hardest challenge. In order to complete this challenge, you need to get the most collectable and lore heavy ending, while having your base difficulty set on nightmare, and manually disabling every single hiding spot and distraction that you can.


Music Used:

Video Chapters:
0:00 - Intro
1:00 - Challenge / Game Explanation
4:05 - Night 1
12:56 - House Segments
14:24 - Night 2
21:30 - Night 3
24:27 - Arcade Setup
31:24 - Night 4
35:52 - Night 5
43:10 - Outro
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***I heavily overrated the difficulty of this challenge, since this came out I've beaten 3 star nightmare 4 more times for speedruns and I can confidently say it's more on par with 10/20 in FNAF 2 and 4/20 in FNAF 4, not even close to NDC level, at the time that I did this challenge the game wasn't out for very long and a lot of the strats that I talk about in this vid weren't even in the run, I just found out about them later on.
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Someone actually messaged me that there's an even better way to force lure freaktrap. If you call the cell phone twice he'll instantly go to your location, and you can do this within hiding spots, so force tripping might be obsolete (though I think force tripping is a little bit faster)


Freaktrap needs to chill before I become freakslayerelmo


During the nightmare w/all hiding spots/distractions turned off, you should be able to use the phone to create sound anywhere, similar to the force tripping.
If you just open it and press enter twice it puts your sound bar to red, and you're able to do this while already inside of a hiding spot :3


TheBones5 after missing a spider: "Bychael, don't leave me here! By-chael... *SLAMMING THE VENT* HELP MEEEE!"


Freaktrap is WILD.

My name for him would be Pit Bonnie.

Also, the most hilarious part of the Rat section is that is the EXACT SAME TIMEPOINT as in the R&CAC video.


Astralspiff took 8 minutes to do the Freddy Puzzle, and I surely thought nobody could ever take even more time than that.
And then you came along and doubled that time? Subscribed, this is hilarious.


Here while Bones coin the name, 'FreakTrap'


All the secret minigames are references to the books, which is why you don't know what's happening in them. The one with the Circus Baby looking character(her real name is Eleanor) is a reference to "To Be Beautiful", the dog one is a reference to "Fetch", and the last one is a reference to "Count The Way"


16:06 Oswald is a 12 year old that eats pizza every day and hangs out in a dusty pizzeria so it makes sense


TheBones5 when victory is determined by literally a 99.999 repeating% chance in his favor (he dies)


If you dont want to trip, just quickly stop sprinting to "reset" it. Its even the tip "tge longer oswald runs, he will get tired and trip".


Another amazing video from the goat himself! Here’s a bit extra for missing the last few videos (I’m preparing for college lol)

I really like the art style of this game, and the character designs are amazing, especially Freaktrap lol

Good news! After far too long (30 HOURS) I beat Funtime Gala HM! Despite 2 5:57 runs, it was honestly fun completing it. Although, for better or worse, I’ve been sucked into the MML grind.

After beating 3 easier challenges, I’m already going for Funtime Gala VHM (I’ve got a 1:54 in only an hour! Feeling hopeful lol), Suicide Mouse, True Nightmare NPM, and eventually I want to go for SSM and Perfect Cacophony.

Also my boy spent like 100 hours and finally beat R&CT AC (before it got removed from the Main List) and now he’s planning on going for UCN:D NDC and I already know he will get it.

TLDR: all I’m saying is thank you for your videos and for yourself who inspired me to start running these max modes. Playing incredibly difficult modes in any game is something I’ve always wanted to do, but I’d always tell myself I wasn’t good enough and that I simply didn’t have enough skill to beat these challenges. But because of you (indirectly), I now have the tenacity to keep going through these challenges, despite how soul crushing some of these moments may me (I know you’re familiar with this), and it’s worth it in the end. So thank you, random stranger who makes content online, for having undeniable, contagious tenacity :)


freaktrap is SOOO much better than “the yellow rabbit, ” or “pit springtrap.” Genuinely the best name I’ve heard so far. Not only is it funny as fuck, but it actually makes some semblance of sense.


‘Freak Trap’: “Have you heard of the game Among Us Oswald? You need to vent Oswald!”


one thing i learned about the ladder on my playthrough was that you can get rid of the noise it makes by just tapping the movement keys instead of holding them


a few things:
1. you can use the phone to max out the noise meter anywhere INCLUDING in a hiding spot by making two consecutive calls (the secret calls SPRINGT, MANGLE, and PUPPET make more noise iirc but don't change the amount of calls required to max out the noise meter
2. you can use the ball pit at any time on any night which doesn't require a minigame and resets the past pizzeria completely. if you'd have gone right to the ball pit instead of left to the entrance vent you'd have escaped multiple times on night 2, and it resets all animatronics in the past so long as you interact with the ball pit before being caught. iirc freddy also can't peek through the ball pit door or any bottom of screen doors so there's always a completely free path to the ball pit no matter what
3. this may have been patched, but when I played, you didn't need an extra prize voucher to get the fetch minigame, you just had to interact with the prize machine in the past specifically after getting all the prizes. but, helpules is very easy with turbo so it doesn't matter that much
4. i don't think the 'sequence break' is really a sequence break, I think it's just an alternative way to play. there have been a few patches since launch and it hasn't been fixed and there are tons of alternative methods to progress in this game so i think it's intended, even if it's not the intended way to experience it for the first time. regardless, there's no reason not to skip the ladder exit as the other three are just strictly better


You can lick up the phone, and go hide under your bed. He will not get you. Also, use the screwdriver BEFORE youll free the kid.


the three star ending is totally worth it, because doing so lets you save jeff! everyone's favorite character


Unity games, especially those not compiled with IL2CPP (this game isn't), are actually not too difficult to decompile with tools like dnSpy and AssetRipper.

When it comes to Oswald's tripping logic, it is ultimately RNG dependent but as you might expect there's a handful of factors that affect it.

First off, Oswald runs a trip check every time his "run" action is "over". This actually does *not* include when you stop running, but rather only triggers every time his run animation ends and loops. There is special handling for "run mashing" (which you take advantage here to force tripping) to make Oswald trip.

Oswald's base *stumble attempt* chances are actually technically determined per-level but almost every level in the game where Oswald *can* trip uses a default value of 10%. The main exceptions are most locations where you cannot be chased, as well as the prologue. Part 1 of the prologue has a base chance of 2% while part 2 (after the 80's pizzeria descends into chaos) has a base chance of 5%.

After getting the base chance, it is offset by a chance retrieved from the game's insanity system. This system is a whole ball park of its own and there's a bunch of different things that make you more insane but it only matters if your insanity is "high" (around 75% or more). The main indicator of sanity seems to be a progressively increased idle heart rate, with heart rate being indicated by the pulsating red veins at the edges of the screen. If your insanity is "high", *75%* gets added to the base stumble attempt chance. As discussed, most areas have a 10% base stumble attempt chance and so this effectively means that being too insane gives you a whopping *85%* base stumble attempt chance every time Oswald's run animation loops. This is not necessarily as high as it seems for reasons that will be touched on soon.

There's one more step to the stumble attempt chance calculation - darkness. Being in a dark room without a flashlight on further adds to the trip chance. Again, this is configured per-scene but effectively remains locked at 25% in most normal nighttime gameplay, and 15% in the prologue.

Now, this base *stumble attempt* chance is not the chance for Oswald to *actually* trip. It is instead the chance for the game to make a stumble *attempt*. The game rolls a random number between 0 and 100 and if it is less than or equal the trip attempt chance, then it will attempt to make Oswald trip.

An attempt to make Oswald trip will first increment the "attempt stumble" counter. This is a persistent counter and will increment every time the previous check passes. The value of this counter determines the *actual* chance that Oswald will trip. For example, let's say we have a 100% stumble attempt chance (possible in-game if we're at high insanity and running around in a dark room). Oswald's run cycle loops and causes the game to trigger a stumble attempt. The counter is now 1. This gives Oswald a 5% *actual* stumble chance. If this roll fails now, he will not trip.

Then, his run cycle loops a second time. Again, since we have a 100% stumble attempt chance, the game will do another stumble attempt and increment the counter again. It is now 2. This gives Oswald a 10% chance to stumble. This goes on and on until the game reaches an *attempt stumble* counter chance of 5, in which case it guarantees a trip the next time a stumble attempt happens.

Basically, Oswald will *only* trip if both the stumble attempt chance and actual stumble chance rolls go through. If you have 25% stumble *attempt* chance, and the counter is at 2, then you must first first pass that 25% roll, then the counter will increase to 3 (giving you a 20% actual stumble chance), then you must pass that 20% roll. If the counter was at 5 (100% actual stumble chance), then your stumble chance would then become effectively dictated by the stumble *attempt* chance (baseline 10%, effectively 35% in dark rooms with no flashlight) since that must pass first.

This counter *is not* reset when Oswald stops running. The only things that can set this stumble attempt counter back to 0 is if Oswald finally trips (forced tripping *does not* count!) or, seemingly, going through a full loading screen (when it shows the area name and current night, like when going around the town, but not when going between rooms or time periods).

Here's the table of counter values and actual stumble chances:
0 - 0% (This case should actually be impossible)
1 - 5%
2 - 10%
3 - 20%
4 - 50%
5 - 100%

So, to summarise:
The game checks if it can make a stumble attempt every time Oswald's running animation loops.
Oswald's stumble attempt chance is decided by various factors, primarily insanity and whether or not he is in a dark room.
If the stumble *attempt* occurs, it will increase a counter that then determines his *actual* stumble chance.
The counter resets after Oswald trips naturally (but not through forced trips), or after a full loading screen.
The counter maxes out at 5, which will guarantee a trip the next time a stumble attempt happens.

A note on "forced trips":
Forced trips are handled seperately from all the other stumble logic. The game maintains a "mash run counter" which is incremented every time you press shift and then a movement key (vice versa does not count). If this value surpasses 3, then Oswald will trip and the counter will reset to 0. This counter decreases by 1 every second.


“Top Down” lol

Anyways, gotta love TheBones5 editing style, it’s always a throwback to casual videos of 2018-19 and such. And I really appreciate self-made tech from Bones, it’s cool seeing him make stuff up himself
