Designing Inclusive, Accessible Early Warning Systems: Good Practices and Entry Points

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UCL Warning Research Centre's 2023 Creating Effective Warnings for All Conference
12 September 2023

Session 5B

Cristina Otano (GFDRR/WB)
Zoe Trohanis (GFDRR/WB)

Climate change is leading to an increasing number of emergencies caused by disasters. Robust multi-hazard impact-based early warning systems are crucial in mitigating impact, yet one-third of the world’s population remains without a warning system. In this session we will explore entry points to make early warning systems more inclusive and we learn of existing good practices.

Introduction by Niels Holms-Nielsen (WB Practice Manager and Head of GFDRR)
Presentation by Carina Fearnley (Director UCL Warning Research Center)

Anna-Maria (Masha) Bogdanova (Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Latin America and Caribbean, World Bank), Maria Campuzano Peres (UNWomen), Rahel Steinbach (UNWomen, Global Coordinator, DRR and Resilience), John Harding (CREWS Secretariat, Head), and Reel Ahmed (UK FCDO, Senior Climate Change Advisor)

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