Louise Hay and the Totality of Possibilities

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One of Louise Hay's favorite phrases was "the totality of possibilities." So often we limit ourselves and the possibilities for our lives. This audio will inspire you to expand your horizons and welcome a new vision for your life. For many more of Louise's audios plus all the other Hay House authors, go to

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Louise Hay has the most Powerful Spiritual Voice. She is blessing us now from Heaven!


I discovered Louise Hay when I was 17, now I am 45, and I still hear her almost every night. She gave my light and hope when I needed the most, and she still does it. I love her with all my heart and soul and bless her in her happy journey on this Universe where we all are safe and where ALL IS WELL! ❤


In times of trouble I found Louise. Since incorporating her into my life, everything has improved. I have found peace of mind, and am discovering myself in a way that I never thought possible. Thank you Louise for awakening me.


1:09 Totality of possibilities. No limits
1:43 We are all part of infinite intelligence
2:27 The human mind thinks of limitations
3:58 We limit ourselves
4:08 If you change your thinking, you change your life. Drop your limitations
5:22 (It doesn't matter what others think or say about you or your endeavors)
6:54 If we say we can't, blame others, or worry: we're stuck
8:09 We can create anything and change our circumstances, with our minds
10:56 "I'm willing to go beyond my parent's limitations"
11:12 We create our reality by our thoughts and words
12:04 All fears are limitations. They're like walls.
12:20 Prejudices are limitations
12:47 Judging and criticizing are limitations
13:19 Guilts are limitations
13:28 If you've really done something bad, just don't do it again
13:38 Guilt is a way of holding on to the past, preventing you from the totality of possibilities
14:03 If you don't forgive, you limit your own growth
14:44 We have everything we need to handle every situation
14:53 Problems are opportunities for growth
15:07 What you give out, comes back
16:46 If you face a repeated problem, it's an opportunity to react in a different way
17:12 Use positive affirmations
18:01 Don't worry "how" things will change ; just be "willing" to change and let go
18:25 All is well and everything is working out for the best
21:13 We're always being connected with link-minded people
21:20 Every time you think and speak, it goes out and connects you with like-minded people
22:11 Don't be stuck in judgment, prejudice, guilt, or fear
23:51 The totality of possibilities are awaiting us
24:27 Let go of your limitations and fears
24:57 We won't get love from others until we love ourselves
25:38 Are you willing to forgive? It doesn't matter if you were right, you hurt yourself by not forgiving
26:25 What we're giving out is coming back to us
26:45 Practice unconditional love. Accept others as they are
27:04 Are you willing to go beyond your neighbors or stay there because it's comfortable?
27:37 Say "maybe this time I CAN" (instead of setting limits)
27:51 There's always a way, if we're open to it
28:30 Open yourself to learning something new, and you can change. Don't think you know it all
29:00 There's a greater power that's on your side
29:40 Our thoughts and words are our tools to use
30:08 When you catch yourself thinking negatively, say to yourself "I don't want to do that anymore"
30:35 Think about what you DO want
31:03 "I live and dwell in the totality of possibilities. All is good. I open myself to the totality of possibilities."
32:40 Think positive. Don't just accept doom and gloom possibilities
34:19 I am health personified
34:30 You can't actually be lonely unless you put a wall up
34:35 Go beyond fear, anger, resentment, hatred, jealousy, sadness, self-pity
34:58 Move into the totality of possibilities
35:09 Flow through forgiveness into love
35:36 Go beyond the feelings of not being good enough
35:44 Give up competition and comparison. We are unique. Just be yourself
36:09 Allow the creative energy to flow through you and express
36:21 Whatever I do is more than good enough
36:42 "My income is constantly increasing" affirmation
37:05 "I go beyond any feelings that 'I don't deserve'"
37:35 There's plenty for everyone -- including me
38:05 Life is abundantly giving to us and all we have to do is accept
38:25 "I am the joy of life expressing and receiving"
42:10 TODAY creates our future
43:41 It's what YOU do with the ideas & information that counts
44:00 Change the old patterns. Only YOU can do that for yourself
45:20 Concentrate on loving yourself. "How can I love myself more?" Say, "I love you"
47:22 "I lovingly let it go" and release it. Don't fight it (when negative emotions arise)
48:09 Meditation is creating the space to listen to your inner wisdom
48:30 "What is it I need to know?" ask when you meditate
48:51 Be patient with yourself
50:25 That's his way of saying I love you. He wants you to be safe
50:35 You have to do what YOU want, because it's YOUR life
51:05 Look in your eyes and say I love you and ask what you really want
51:20 You don't have to please anyone. Just fulfill yourself. You're worthy of that
53:11 Don't have expectations, stop projecting, stay in the NOW
53:18 All happens for the best
53:26 Guilt brings up defenses
54:08 Give people the space to be themselves and maybe they'll do the same for you
54:54 You're on the spiritual path so you have to be the bigger person
55:45 Are you angry with someone or trying to get even?
56:35 We work on a lot of stuff in our dreams
59:18 You have a strong belief that you don't deserve. Let it go
59:35 Concentrate on loving yourself then you'll feel you deserve
1:00:12 #1 way to love yourself is to stop criticizing yourself
1:00:35 Accept yourself as you are
1:00:49 I'm willing to love myself. I deserve good things in life. I am safe. All is well.
1:01:20 Break through your armor
1:02:20 (Fulfill your needs in positive ways)
1:02:40 Grow up (if you deal with some things immaturely)
1:03:08 You've got all the tools. You just have to DO it
1:04:20 Don't set limitations on yourself (through fixed ideas of what you think)
1:05:09 If things aren't working in a certain area, ask yourself what your belief is on it
1:05:55 Shape in your mind the way you want your life to be
1:06:22 Everyone can improve the quality of their lives
1:07:56 All we need is one idea to change our lives
1:08:19 I choose to be in a circle of love. Know that you are safe
1:11:35 What we give out returns to us. We're connected with link-minded others
1:12:09 Allow yourself to become whole


Currently I'm in procrastination mode. I have knowledge, yet I'm hiding and not taking action. I'm staying in bed seeking warmth and refuge. It's only a temporary put off. May I find my inner strength again.


I open my arms to the totality of possibilities for my life!


Louise has been helping people for many years. She is a pioneer in the power of spirit and love on the planet. Her little book of affirmations and messages of healing is a classic and led the way to the new age


Oh...How much we love Louise!
Everytime we feel discouraged
or with no motivation,
just turn to Louise
and you will be
re-enchanted with life once again.

May all of us be blessed
with health, joy and abundance.



It's so beautiful to hear your voice Louise 😊💫💜


I can't get enough of
Louise Hay affirmations and teachings. She will always be the best. Her voice is so soothing.


This is one of my favorite recordings from Louise Hay, I listen quite often ❣️


I am grateful this video came to me!!! Thank you.


Following since 1996, a gift from my mother. Life-changing since then, thank YOU beautiful being!


What I noticed is that Louise never said one bad word about anyone. She had beautiful words for even the people who didn't understand. Louise was a unique person she didn't take credit for anyone's healing she gave them the credit may Louise R.I.P


Thank you Thank you Thank you Louise Hay! I found you on 2018 and my life has been a wonderful journey 🙏


What an amazing and wonderful delivery. Blessings to those that posted it on YouTube.


I walked the path of self transformation initially with HEAL YOUR LIFE workshop based on her philosophy so my reverence and respect to this amazing lady. Love her soothing words and simple formulas to live a life of magic love and light❤


Thank you for sharing this powerful talk! Mind elevation.🌱🧘🏾‍♀️🙌🏾🌎♥️ Love Louise Hay!💐


Thank you so much Louise❤️❤️😍😍I love you lot♾️💝 You're an Angel 😇


I love it❤ life has soo much to offer🎉! 😊
