How to Survive Any Animal Attack (Mndiaye_97 Compilations) Original

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Imagine being stalked by one of these animals and the only thing you can think of is this mans voice telling you to say hi to your ancestors for him 😂😂😂


"A polar bear decides if you go home to your family or your ancestors"

words to live by


_"...cause chimps can't swim."_

Well heck, neither can I!!


My dad actually managed to survive a hippo attack, but it was definitely by pure luck. He was on a camping safari and got up in the morning to take a sunrise pucture. While he was adjusting his camera settings, he tilted the lens down and saw a hippo charging him. He was between it and the water, which is a sure way to anger one. He sprinted and managed to get behind and acacia tree. The hippo chased him around it, but because they don't have the best turning radius, my dad was able to stay just out of reach. Then, one of the camp cooks got up to make breakfast and realized what was happening. He yelled to distract the hippo and then shimmied up one of the spikey acacia trees when it charged him, giving my dad enough time to sprint back into his tent.
So yeah, don't bother hippos, in or out of the water. And if you do, hope there's a tree.


Nature kids: Make yourself bigger!
School: Play dead!
College: Get aggressive!
This guy: *sign your will*


That "don't run" part is REALLY important. I remember a long time ago reading a biography of an animal trainer and he talked about how the instinct to chase and kill things that run is on the level of reflex. He had a lion that was as friendly as a puppy around him, then one day he had to hurry somewhere and left just a little too fast and found himself on the ground. Pretty much any animal with sharp teeth and eyes at the front will 100% respond to a fast retreat with an even faster attack, and honestly may not even have control over it.


"how to survive a cougar attack"
"First you wanna avoid happy hour at Applebee's"

I didn't see that one coming 😂


I know I'm late but that bear expression goes "if it's brown lay down if it's black fight back if it's white say goodnight" pretty accurate too


“So how do I survive a polar bear or chimp attack”
Hood Nature: that’s the neat part, you don’t!


"Don't look a gorilla directly in the eyes or show your teeth."

This is why babies cry when you smile at them or stare at them for too long. They're literally stuck still in Monke mode until we teach them to be human.


whoever you heard say "make yourself look bigger" for a bear attack was talking about little black bears. Once I was sitting outside my motel room and a bear walked up behind me, and I stood up fast to turn around and see what it was and scared the shit out of that poor bear, he didn't even know I was there and I was 3 feet above him on a raised deck, he ran like the wind. For a black bear being loud and looking bigger does dissuade them, just not with a grizzly.


My dad was out camping with his boy scout troop when he was a kid and a bear cub ran straight through their campsite. Dad saw the bear cub yelled "Everyone scatter" (because mama is usually not far behind) only to realize he was the only one left in the campsite and everyone else had already ran.


"If all else fails, tell Kobe we miss him"

Bruh 😂😂😂


“If a moose shows you the whites of its eyes you better stop doing what youre doing before he shows you the whites of the heaven gates”
Im dead


"Don't pee around a tiger, it's a sign of disrespect"
I'm sorry but if there's a tiger in deletion range, chances are I'm pissing myself. I'll see you at the gates


I work with geologists from around the world. One I worked with was from Canada and worked for the Provincial government of Alberta. Her job was to helicopter up to the headwaters of streams and hike down taking water samples periodically. SHE did this alone. I asked if she had a gun jokingly and she replied yes....she was issued a 38 special revolver with +p rounds. I asked if that was enough to take down a bear and she laughed and said "no silly, the gun was to take my life before the grizzly killed me".


Random guy: “I’ll be fine. It takes 20 hyenas to take down a lion.”

Yeah, but you’re not a lion.


I like how he speaks with such urgency as if he expects the person watching this is currently being attacked by a moose


one tip: when chased by a polar bear you should throw pieces of clothing away. Polar bears are huge ADHD animals and will stop to sniff at the clothing. If that doesn't work at least you'll be frozen to death before you're cut to ribbons


My aunt did survive a hippo attack. The hippo literally bit their boat in half while my aunt her partner and their guide jumped off. Luckily it was more interested in chewing the boat, so they could get to the second boat right behind them and drive away. My aunt was the only one injured - two fingers of her left hand got caught on something when she jumped into the water. She got incredibly lucky a second time an could actually keep both these fingers. All she has today is an impressive scar.
