Doublelift vs. Bjergsen Interview
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Doublelift vs. Bjergsen Interview
How often do they say "like"? :D
c-c-c-c-c-comboo breakerrr
How often do they say "like"? :D
c-c-c-c-c-comboo breakerrr
Doublelift vs. Bjergsen Interview
Doublelift Watches TL Bjergsen Interview About KR SoloQ
Interview with both Bjergsen and DoubleLift after the 1v1 finals + analyst desk! All-Stars 2015
How Doublelift felt when Bjergsen retired
Interview with Bjergsen and Doublelift - Rift Rivals 2017
“DON’T TELL ANYONE AT RIOT” | Game On! EP04 | Valentine’s DUO Special
Tyler1 and Bjergsen surprise Doublelift on his livestream
Interview with NA LCS Summer Split MVP - Bjergsen
Doublelift's First Main #shorts #lcs
Interview with Snoopeh about CLG, DoubleLift and kicking ass in the Show-Match! IEM San Jose 2015
The Bosses: Doublelift vs Bjergsen | 2019 LCS Spring Finals Tease
Jensen & Sneaky / Bjergsen & Doublelift C9 vs TSM Post Game Interview
Doublelift Emotional Interview
Doublelift Interview: 'Yeah, But I Always Win.'
TL Bjergsen Post Game Interview After Dominant Victory Over Jensen And C9!!
NALCS Summer MVP Bjergsen Interview
NA LCS Summer Finals: Jatt Interview with TSM Doublelift
TL Doublelift and G2 Perkz Talk Bot Lane | Rift Rivals: EU vs. NA Day 2 (2019)
Interview with the winners of 100 Thieves vs Team Liquid + analyst desk | Finals S8 NA LCS Spring
Bjergsen's Interview after winning vs Team WE - IEM Katowice 2015 - League of Legends
My farewell
Bjergsen Interview - W4D2 NA LCS Summer 2015 - League of Legends
Svenskeren Too Funny on This Interview. Bjergsen on Future TSM
TSM members talk about their new mid laner Bjergsen | Battle of the Atlantic 2013