Fire on the Track: The Steve Prefontaine Story

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This documentary on Steve Prefontaine aired on June 4, 1995.
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As a high school runner in ‘72 I was fortunate to meet him at the Olympic training camp at Bowdoin College. He has always been my running inspiration. Gone but never forgotten.


To my fellow distance Runners out there, never stop pushing. Our brotherhood was baptized by the agony of that last stretch. When our mind says "no more", our body says "I', m done" but our hearts.... our hearts are the Crest of human endurance... Pre showed us the way, Pre pushed the boundaries. Runners... unite, embrace that pain and savor the taste of the finish line, of that new p.r. Of that milestone performance, because that is what Steve's legacy incites: PUSH because you know you can, dont think you can't. BELIEVE as Pre believed... without doubts, without limits.... Watch over us on the track Steve, on the cross country courses, let us hear you tell us, "your not done" ...We are blessed to have this iconic legend from Coos Bay as the Godfather of our sport, God plucked a beautiful flower when it was just about to blossom, and I'm betting Steve and JC lace up every morning for "an easy 10"


45 years have passed, and it’s still painful to know that he left us so young.


I worked on the film with Jared Leto, filmed in Tacoma, Seattle, Stanwood, Marysville Washington. With the Fabulous movie magic the locations as real as the locations where these things happened. It was honor to meet the Prefontaine's and sister and the Finnish runner. Kudos to the director and crew of the film. Good show mate! And Jared, remember GO Pre GO! When the groupies were chasing you? Go Pre Go!


As a distance runner in high school, our varsity team got together to watch a video on Pre. Running has never been covered much in the US beyond the Olympics, so it was eye-opening to see how much cultural impact a runner - a distance runner at that - could have.

I don't run nearly as much (or as fast) as I used to, but running has given me so much meaning, challenge, focus, friendship, confidence, and even identity throughout life.

As I'm sure most people here know, to be a distance runner means you need to be a little sick in the head and a sucker for pain, and Pre was our patron saint. He was our sport's rock star, and he made me even more proud to be a distance runner.


Was watching old Lasse Viren clips and ended up here. All respects to Steve Prefontaine from the Nordics!!


I can remember getting ready for school that morning and hearing about his death on the radio. I cried. It’s been 47 years and that I can recall that moment with crystal clarity.


Pre lives . Amazing runner, gifted by God. God bless his soul. Thanks for all you did. 50 years since you left us and you are still in our hearts. Btw, I love your trail and I called " my peace of Heaven on Earth " I try to go everytime I get a chance. GO PRE!!!


Glad I found this video on the legendary Steve Prefontaine, since the 2021 Olympics are coming up next month. He is an icon in the world of track and running, just as the legendary Jim Morrison was to the world of 60's rock music.

The Doors and other music hits were appropriate background music, since these were the hit songs of the era. By God, I would love to travel back in time to return to the early 1970's, back to the long hair, mustaches, and side burns that so characterized young men back then, and of course Steve Prefontaine. I was 16 at the time, and I remember the terrorist tragedy of the 1972 Munich Olympics only so well, and what a tragic jolt it was to the Olympics at the time.


I am and was a distance runner and he was and is my motivation. It take guts to be a runner like that, something that people won't never understand.


Not only my favorite runner, but my all time favorite athlete. Enjoyed what he did, but wonder what he could have done if he lived...


Last year after I graduated high school, me and my 4x800 team were invited to run in nationals in Eugene Oregon. We got 14th place out of 16 teams, which isn't so bad for our first time there. While I was there I got run at Hayword field for the race, run on pre's trail, and visit the spot where he died. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me.


To give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift you’ve been given


47 years ago today Prefontaine died. His legend lives forever


Who's here after watching the movie " without Limits " a movie about Steves life .


Thank you for this EXCELLENT documentary. I cried my eyes out. I was too young at the time to know about his death. But I will now never forget it, or him.


Thanks for uploading this treasure. Aside from being a good video about Pre, I have always wanted to see some footage of Bill Bowerman.


Was 18 at my hs graduation party at home ‘75 when I got the Sports Illustrated issue with his death in it. Also had a white mg with GoPre license plates:(😥So many great memories in these videos that you couldn’t see back then except for the 3 major news networks.Thank goodness for Track and Field News:)


We took a trip to Eugene and saw the accident site and then to Coos Bay and saw his grave. Very sad. He lives


I never knew of him until well after his death but I feel pain at his loss. Anytime someone dies with so much more they could have achieved it leaves a hole in people. Rip Steve Prefontaine and Salvador Sanchez. Two great athletes taken in their prime.
