Flutter Location Tracking App - Speed code| google maps| custom markers| camera position & zoom

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Hi fellow coders🙋,
This is simple location tracking app. In this code I'm using static users list with static locations(latitude, longitude). There are custom markers for for users location. When you tap on profile card or marker map will zoom to that user's location.

In this video you can learn,
- how to add custom markers in google map
- how to add a image to the custom marker
- how to change camera position and zoom when marker (or profile card) is tapped.

Packages used:
* google_maps_flutter: ^2.0.6
* geocoding: ^2.0.0

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Рекомендации по теме

@dmgcoding417 can its possible we get the user location when its in our marked area and location paused when the user left the area.


can u code is where it tracks and show real time location for all the users in the google map?


code link does not work
you can share it
