Neil deGrasse Tyson: 'James Webb Finding ENDS Debate in Physics SHATTERING Image'

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As for the meaning of "a factor of 2" hear this. I work for an elaborate company with hundred of facilities and a healthy sized statistical department. One day instructions came down the pipe from headquarters of the statistical department that procedures for data collectors were to follow, that they were allowed to increase their sampling skip by a factor of 10 if they faced coverage obstacles. What they meant, for example, instead of sampling every 40th product as it came off the production line, quality control could sample every 50th piece (not every 400th which is a factor of 10). Such wording of these instructions came from people were were supposed to have PhD's in math and statistics. You would think even a college freshman in math knows what the term a factor 10 means. How do people graduate from prestigious colleges and get these jobs just faking it??


In the beginning space and time expanded. They must be proportional. Example: a black holes effect on time. Measuring time by the same yardstick we are using today seems stupid.


We don't know sh*t!
- scientists


Does anyone remember that classic TV show called "The Prisoner"? The location of the village is comparable to our knowledge of the early universe.


What if when the cancellation between matter and anti-matter with just a very small fraction of matter winning out actually didn't happen? What if matter and anti-matter cannot be destroyed? What if the 2 are still there but separated like an oil drop in water? The 2 are very much still present and can effect how the Universe formed and how it effects the flow of all matter? What if our matter Universe also effects the anti-matter Universe?


In 100 years humanity will be looking back laughing at how wrong we were about astrophysics and planetary science.


The basic fundamentals we are holding onto are missing pieces hiding in plane sight.
The way we think about things is flawed by our repression. 😊


Can we please stop calling the James Webb Space Telescope the JWST when we're talking about it out loud? The abbreviation literally has the same number of syllables as the full name. It's not brief out loud.


"Why must there always be a problem?!!"
--- George Costanza


So fed up with channels without a real person speaking :(


That's what science is about. Coming up with ideas then prove it so if it doesn't work try different ideas not a conflict in cosmology


Just divide 1 by every number and plot it on a graph and you will get the curvature of the universe. I made some pretty neet pictures with it also. I call it the Seed of Life fractal. I also figured out an algebraic equation for Holographic Wave Interference patterns wich is also pretty cool.


The shape of the universe looks a lot like a black hole.


when it comes to observation, size definitely matters.... does it not determine distance also? Is distance an illusion of size of things.?


Not a be fan of Neil deGrasse Tyson
But i do respect him and do respect his explanation of the complex.
The more we know the more we understand
That we know very little of the cosmos.
Like Christopher Columbus crossing the Atlantic Ocean thinking he would find india or china.


Here's a question: What would happen to a forming medium-white star if a mega-nova happened within 700 light-years? We now know these mega-novas cause particles and elements to be produced which are the ingredients for life. We also know that mega-novas are not that uncommon. I think that the medium-white star would be bombarded with materials and grow into a yellow star. The planets would also have been bombarded with these materials, which would give rise to possible algae formations in suitable waters. We know what happens from there. Physics has taught us that we are indeed in a special place because we need all those ingredients to produce life. I think we need a refresher in rethinking some of the ideas we previously thought were right. Yes, we know how some things work. Mass attracts other mass, etc. However, maybe the "Big Bang" never really happened. What if this is all a gigantic spinning machine going around a large dark matter black hole? We now know that black holes churn, or agitate particles around, spewing out what isn't fit for its eventual consumption and blasting out. That would also explain the universe as we know it.


What James Web shows is that when we get better data, we find we didn't know WTF we were talking about before - and odds are that even with Webb, we still don't have enough data to know WTF we are talking about. Cosmology is 99% speculation.


It’s fascinating but aside from knowing our galaxy, what is the relevance of further information to our daily life?


So the universe started early? Who would have thunk?


CRISIS @ 14:54 "...These galaxies seem to appear too early..." @ 0:56 Either the [calculated] AGE or the DISTANCE [size] is incorrect. This is big big trouble because all theories are now in question, e.g. GR, math models, physics assumptions, constancy of speed of light.... everything could be wrong.
