Spontaneous - My Heart Burns For You - Cory Asbury | Bethel Music Worship School

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My heart burns for You, Jesus.

Our deepest cry is to commune with and minister to our God. He is all we need.
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They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”


I start many days with this song...lost my boy(son) Austin 22 yrs old in nov. 2017....Tragedy -special young man who loved God...Still don't understand why God took him home so soon. I wrestle with God everyday about our loss..Why God.... is there so much pain in this world? Why do so many suffer? Why are children being trafficked and abused? heart has been broken...My Wife's heart is broken...My two daughters miss their amazing brother. I am grateful I have God to talk to everyday. I reach desperately to touch the hem of his garment. I relish just being in his prescence...looking forward to the day I see my son again. My son wore a band on his wrist the day he died..."LIVE JOYFULLY"....Miss u Austin..Life here will never be the same. My heart burns for You...


I love the way Cory ministers and sings. I'm 16 and I am growing up in church. If I'm being honest I struggle with my faith, I know that there is a God and I sometimes feel him. Lord you know ny struggles and pray and ask that you help me in my faith so that my heart burns for you because I want to get into your kingdom when I leave this world that holds a lot of pain and struggle and to just be happy when I do leave . Help me to be fearful of you Lord. Please you know how much I need you in my life at this age . Words cannot explain what I feel or need to say but Lord you alone knows and that's what matters.


"I will tell everyone about your righteousness. All day long I will proclaim your saving power, though I am not skilled with words."
Psalms 71:15


Nothing to gain... nothing to lose... and nothing to prove... its all just you.


So good . I love the part where he says “Genuine devotion, yeah it’s weak but it’s real” - here’s my heart father


A man who lost three sons at various times in his life wrote about grief in The View from a Hearse:
I was sitting, torn by grief. Someone came and talked to me of God’s dealings, of why it happened, of hope beyond the grave. He talked constantly, he said things I knew were true. I was unmoved, except to wish he’d go away. He finally did.
Another came and sat beside me. He didn’t talk. He didn’t ask leading questions. He just sat beside me for an hour or more, listened when I said something, answered briefly, prayed simply, left. I was moved. I was comforted. I hated to see him go.


Just a man with a mustache loving Jesus. What can be better then this?


Jesus means so much to me, he died for all of our sins, he helped me escape a severe depression that developed due to my brother ending his life, he pulled me out of what I believe was a drug induced psychosis that felt completely inescapable, I was listening to a sermon on faith and the preacher said place your hand on where you need healing, I then placed my hand on my heart and it was like a wave of love washed away the lingering depression, anxiety, fear etc. from both my brothers death and that terrifying night, trust in him for he is indeed real and alive right now doing many miracles and his love for us is immeasurable. Thank you Father, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit❤


This song hits my core.

my heart is worn out and my life is starting to fall into pieces with fear and anxiety attacks. If only.
If only i can see And touch God I will probably hug Him and talk to him, if I’m being honest I am struggling with my faith, but i know deep inside of my heart that this heart will always gonna burn for Him.


Who else just heard his prayer and hit the “like” button? 🙋🏾‍♀️


Love how raw this is...how he waited just as child to sing what the spirit was saying to him 😍


“I give You what You’ve always wanted: my heart.”


Understand that God is more than just going to church. Understand that God is a person that is waiting for you, that is crying out for you. The one true God that wants to give you a love that you always longed to feel.


Cory is so good at what he does. It’s incredible to see the way he can lead a church in worship. So raw so powerful.


I will never forget this. I was driving from Kansas City, Missouri at the beginning of the year from a conference that rocked my heart. These were like the perfect words, words that articulated what was going on inside me. I cried much like I did in that conference. Jesus means so much to me.😭❤


Something about this video just brings me so much joy. I have been overwhelmed with feelings this whole week doubting if my marriage will be fully restored, if I am enough, and I can feel my depression coming back. I sat here in my office with this playing and I just poured all the feelings I had inside me.

What an amazing Father we have, He is with me every single day.


every time i m going to minister on stage i will listen to this song, like now, at 6 our service will start and i have to prepare myself spiritually, this is the song to fuel me up


Nothing better than intimacy with King


This refrain comes from the song "obsession" by Delirious, a late 90s band with singer martian smith. about 10 years later Jesus Culture did a cover with Chris Quilala (which is not quite as dark as the 90s version). It's encouraging to see that here another 10 years later this refrain is still being sung in worship.
