Revit Course for Beginners – Revit Tutorials to Learn BIM Fast | Part 3 - Stairs

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Complete Revit Course for Beginners - 9 tutorials to learn Revit fast! (part 3/9)

In this full Revit course for beginners, you will learn Autodesk Revit. In 9 tutorials, you are going to learn how to design and model confidently using the industry’s leading 3D BIM software, Revit.

If you have ever watched a Successful Archi Student YouTube video, you would have noticed that Kyle is engaging, informative and entertaining.

In this Revit tutorial, part 3, we continue modelling the three-storey residential project by adding in the stairs. You’ll learn how to model and manipulate stairs in Revit.

His fast-paced, to-the-point teaching style is aided by concise explanations, animations, images and exciting story telling.

What is Revit?
Revit is a BIM (building information modelling) software that creates intelligent 3D models of buildings which can be used to produce construction documentation drawings and design presentations.
Revit is a building-specific solution for design and documentation and is currently the industry’s leading software for BIM.
Revit is used for conceptual design, 3D parametric modelling, detailed design documentation, multi-discipline coordination, modelling building components, analysing and simulating systems and structures, iterating and visualising architectural designs, building performance analysis and more.

Why learn Revit?
Revit not only allows architects to design and model 3D solutions, but the BIM software also allows for seamless collaboration between disciplines which makes working with structural engineers, other designers, and MEP consultants incredibly efficient.

Why learn Revit with Kyle?
Let’s face it. Learning new software is often complicated and difficult. Doing it by yourself makes it even harder, but it doesn’t need to be that way. In this course, you will be learning from a Master’s student who has practical Revit experience across three architectural firms (which all use Revit as a main design and documentation tool). You will be able to follow along to learn the skills and confidence you need to use the software efficiently in a professional setting.
You can spend days, weeks or months learning Revit by yourself, and not necessarily learning it the right way. In Kyle’s 4-hour course, you can fast-track that journey to gain the skills to design and model in Revit at a professional level.
Most online Revit tutorials or courses are boring, slow going and demonstrate incorrect practices. Trust me, I’ve found that out the hard way. If you’ve watched Kyle’s videos before, you’d know that these Revit tutorials are fun, fast and easy to follow.

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For those who were wondering, you can download all of the project files and access 100+ Revit tutorials on my website
Otherwise, feel free to follow along with the free videos here on Youtube. I appreciate your support!


These tutorials saved me, I learned Sketchup and Rhino in school. I couldn't find a job afterwards because I didn't know Revit, but these tutorials gave me the foundation to start learning more complex things in Revit.


Thank you so much for your videos! I'm doing my project by referencing your tutorials and it's super helpful! I've been avoiding Revit for such a long time and your straight forward instructions are really making the "comeback" much easier. :)


Thanks for your videos - I'm an ex CAD teacher (re-learning Revit) and you explain things very well!


Ive just signed up for my m.arch course. As a Autocad user, im really looking forward to making the move to revit. Thanks for these videos it’s amazingly useful ❤️


Best tutorial ever, thank you so much


At 12:16 you measure the balcony extension to be exactly 650, an then you create the stairs to match this dimension.
I was wondering why you need to expand the overhang later so that they actually match, and it seems to be because when you select the second floor for the stairs run, the width reverts to 1000, instead of the desired 650.

You may want to add a comment on top of the video to clarify this, since it threw me off that you needed to adjust the overhang.


Until this part, i really gratefull to you, cause creating this nice Beginner Tutorial, your explanation is really good and to the point. I Really Love It


U are an excellent teacher God bless...


I love these.. you teach very vwelll tha k you!


Just curious, if you know the overall height from floor to floor and have a max rise and run for each step can’t the software figure it out for you???


Just bought your course it’s great! Would you consider in the future doing a building design course from concept to finish including implementing the NCC?


Thank you it's really helpful for me.


I wanted a free revit course. Was really upset when I found out all of the files are gated behind a pay wall :(


why need to redraw he whole stairs when making changes? is that the only way? cant we try to change the setting after it was drawn?


Please how can i down;oad the floor plan you used for the tutorial
pls help


thanks bro .
you can try to use smarter ways


If you have drawn walls first it would be so easy. May be I m taught in US it feels kinda different from Aus.


hello I did the whole signing up to obtain the files but wasn't able to download anything. I'm really bummed. please help


i logged in to your site and i still wasnt able to download the files
im soo interested to learn revit
