The New Deal in Three Minutes

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How it Happened US History

FDR's plan for recovery from the Great Depression, the New Deal.
Check out the prequel on the Great Depression here:
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I presented this video to my class and they loved it!
It's on point, not boring, and not over informative!
Love it :)
(I got 10/10!)


Hoover was an interventionist, raised tax rate from 25% to 63%, coordinated with big business(Du Pont, GM and Ford) to not fire anyone and put their companies at greater risk, and rolled out the Smoot-Hawley Tariff(passed by congress and not vetoed by Hoover) and many regulations disrupting small business. this vid's a bit old by now i hope this guy's read an actual book on the subject, probably not.


I think Hoover's Smoot-Hawley tariff act deserved a mention here.


And its not just a different interpretation. This is based on fact. Previous depressions had lasted only a couple years each. The Great Depression in other countries lasted only till about 1933, and they had no New Deal.

Only America had the New Deal, and only in America did the Depression last 12 agonizing years.


The real truth is that H.H. refused to allow the free market to liquidate. He actually & factually used his power, influence, and authority to coerce businesses to retain employees and not lower wages."???


Seems very biased from the beginning. Many argue that it was both Hoover and FDR's new rules and regulations for businesses that made The Great Depression last as long as it did. Quite the opposite of Laissez Faire. Both views should be explored in a video meant for school.


finally something that doesn't bore me


Great info, great video! Thank you Sir


Hoover was partially to blame for the Depression because he did too much.


Thanks you just got me a good grade in English luv you


Why would it be good to pay farmers to not farm during a depression?? Can u explain that


I had to watch this video today for homework (April 10th, 2019) for homework today and i will say it's pretty good and to think the New Deal wasn't so much a deal, it's more of a "well if it ain't broke don't fix it" situation. So yeah, I give this video a like, by the way could you please do a in Three Minutes of the 2008 Stock Market Crash :D


Hoover was not "wrong", in fact, FDR set up the United States to rely on deficit spending and increase the control the banking system has over our system of government. Hoover knew it would take over a decade for things to stabilize, but FDR advocated for an immediate artificial stimulation of the economy, knowing it would cause problems later on. If the economy would have been left alone, the value of the dollar would have gone back down, spending power would have gone back up, and the economy would have naturally rebuilt itself. This video is a horrible economic representation of the Great Depression.


Oops ya lost me at saying Hoover was wrong... you don't know do you.. cuz they never just leave it alone do they..


thanks jhit preciate it brudahh sLaTt GanG


But I do have to say. I have been taught that it wasn't a 2 day holiday it was a 4 day holiday


There were three similar New Deals around the world, all in short secession of one another. Mussolini in Italy. Hitler in Germany. FDR in the USA (while FDR was not a professed fascist, his two main architects of the New Deal, Hopkins and Tugwell, both were fanatical about fascism, and FDR did speak glowingly of both Mussolini and fascism). All three implemented the same basic, fascist economic platform. It didn't really succeed anywhere in the actual, stated goal, but in all three cases it allowed the states to consolidate power enough that a free economy became kind of an afterthought, and people didn't complain so much because "at least the trains ran on time". But the populations in all three countries were truly enslaved.

Had one of these three fascist dictators not been even crazier than the other two, we would have been royally screwed. A violent spat of fascist infighting (and fascist-communist Marxist infighting) known as World War Two allowed us to escape that particular grave.


Wrong. The FDR new deal delayed the recovery from its useless spending for useless work. Why do you think FDR had to make another deal? The first deal was already delaying the recovery that is why.

Автор actuality, nothing could be more diametrically positioned to the truth than that sentiment. Such persons are either completely blind to historical facts or they purposely mistake Hoover's tariff on imported goods(the Smoot-Hawley Act), raising income taxes from the prior top rate of 25% to 63%, & gov't-sponsored projects to create jobs in public works, with free-market principles; they argue that H.H. retreated during the downturn in favor of allowing the market to liquidate...


God forbid people wouldn't feel the need to work as much. Awful to think that we'd have time to focus our energy in a direction other than work.
