How I Studied to Ace My Pre-Med Classes | PreMeducation Series

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Curious about how I studied to ace my pre-med classes? Then stick around! I’ll be showing you the notes that I used to study for all of my exams, in every class, since freshman year. I’ll show you some live examples, discuss the formatting, and explain why this method works for me.

What’s the method? Summary sheets! I’ve been cranking these out before exams for years now and the process of making them, alone, is a great way to understand and apply the material. After that, I have an excellent resource to refer back to when I need a refresher, or when it’s time to study for finals!

How do you study?
📝Check out my blog:

MedSchoolCoach is one of the nation's premier medical school tutoring and admissions consulting firms. MedSchoolCoach, founded by a doctor, helps students looking to apply to medical school, and for those already in medical school, to land the residency of their choice.

Their tutors must achieve at least 95th percentile scores and our advisors are actual physicians who have been on admissions committees, so they know medicine inside and out. For more than a decade, MedSchoolCoach has provided pre-med and medical school admissions consulting services, MCAT, and USMLE/COMLEX tutoring to help students become physicians. We help with every part of the process and hope these educational and informative videos help you along the way!

PreMeducation is sponsored by MedSchoolCoach, providing MCAT tutoring and admissions advising for future physicians:

Thanks for watching and see you next time!

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