Doublelift: The Future

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Doublelift, one of NA's most popular and outspoken players, has always had a huge impact on the scene. However, despite once being recognized as one of the best players in the game, Doublelift has never been on a #1 team. For Doublelift, CLG's disappointing showing in the 2014 NA LCS Summer Playoffs at PAX only served to hammer that home. Check out the video for Doublelift's thoughts about his past as a superstar and what the future holds for him, as well as his friends, team, and family: CLG.

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NO double lift don't leave CLG, you and aphromoo have to be together... FOREVER!


"I'll pretty much always stick with CLG" -TSM Doublelift 2015
bruh really?


Chauster and Doublelift best bot lane in the world in S2?Are you kidding me ?Even Xpecial & Chaox was better than them back then


"I'll always stick with clg"


Watching these players develop is, in a lot of cases, like watching characters from a book or a movie - they all start with their own ideas and goals (or lack thereof) and you can slowly see them change as they grow to realize that this is an actual competition, and that they'll have to really mature and improve if they want to stay relevant.

Moments like the one Doublelift's going through really are the "make it or break it" points in his career. He's gotten this far, from a deadbeat kid with nothing to lose, all the way to being one of the big names in e-sports. Now he can either retrospect, learn from his mistakes and become the master ADC his team needs, or he can keep failing and eventually burn out, be washed away by the winds of change that rule the industry.

Here's to you, Doublelift. May you become the hero League needs.


I am going to come out of the woodwork and say this without regret. When I started LoL (back in S3 Worlds), all my school peers (Yes, I am in Year 10) pissed me off about not being Level 30 cause the rest of them already were. I was around level 10 when there was an ad for Worlds so I clicked on it, interested. Then I saw the table and Doublelift's vid on his road to glory. There I was his fan AND a die-hard CLG fan. From that day forth I swore my allegiance to them because if he can take all this b.s. from the community and still come out as who he is, he is a REALLY strong guy. And yeah, maybe he screwed his past up but he was young and in his late teens just like we all were/are/will be. I know one of my acquaintances called me a 'band-wagoner' because they were 1st this season (on and off, not just before the Playoffs) but I supported them when they didn't make worlds and for me that is enough. I completely agree with +Chuck Deuces and his point of him not being the flashiest player, but he is (arguably) one of the best-performing players since the competitive scene started. From a support role to an ADC is a hard change (I can speak from experience) and to tackle it like that takes balls because of all the hate he knew he was going to get from the small community back then. But look at how he has transitioned from that stage. Him and Aphromoo are now called the 'Rush Hour Botlane' because they work so well as a duo. Yes they aren't perfect, but who is? I love Doublelift for his playmaking ability and his brutal honesty (although rarely it is him being egotistic in some peoples' people's minds, I'll let that slip.) I also go for Fnatic in the EU scene due to xPeke's awesome backdoor that started a trend for the rest of the community to follow. Long story short, I am a CLG fan since I started and no-one can ever change me for who I am. My final sentence is: 'He isn't a perfect person, so why does the community focus on all the bad things he has done instead of his achievements?'


even as a C9/Tsm fan ill say this, much respect Doublelift, best of luck


hi im gosu replaces doublelift confirmed


"With the further establishment of League of Legends as the premier competitive eSports title, the demands on teams and staff have evolved to demonstrate the unsustainable nature of the previous coaching arrangement. While MonteCristo has offered to assist the team in LA during its preparations for its upcoming match against Curse Academy, the team has elected to begin this transition immediately with current support staff and new resources."  -- CLG website

Best thing CLG could have done.  To bad for their fans, Reginald from TSM called it :P


Idk why people hate CLG or any team in general. CLG is not my favorite team but i still watch and support the players. I've been a TSM fan since i started playing league but i don't hate any other teams just because they are not like "TSM" or are having a bad time. GL on the following seasons friend :D!


Look at CLG now.  1st place; tied.  Awesome work and look into the future.  


Doublelift is this the best for me! I really love him! I Will always be a CLG fan no matter if they are losing or winning! 


"This is a game that changed my life" that quote so much impact


Will always follow and be a fan of CLG.


I'm double lift fan not a clg fan.


I'm not a CLG fan, but Doublelift is a hell of a guy for not giving up when things are literally the worst that they could be, I'd like to see him adapt to the current meta which doesn't allow for a 1v5 carry and get back to the top, for his own sake, and so people stop shit talking him.


i dont know what is better - this video, or salty tsm fans comments :D


Chauster is was like one of least talked about player yet he was one of the only players back then that actually knew how to play the game, and thats fact, his knowledge of the game was insane, I hope they get chauster to coach CLG that would work well in my opinion


I am a CLG fan even before there was a "season" and i will be 'till the end of LoL esports.


Idk, this video made me actually respect doublelift for the first time. It was genuine, he flat out said he wants to be the best again, he wants you to cheer for him. It was humble in the way that he understands himself now, and it isn't just being an arrogant jerk.
As an avid fan of TSM I've never been able to root for CLG (even though I love Afro) for once I might be cheering for them today. Good luck CLG. :)
