Starting a Business: Unique Selling Proposition - Step 1

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Inspire or Follow This Year: You Choose
How many overused, jaded phrases do you know that herald a new year? Or to describe a fresh start? Maybe the ones you know start with a "re-"something or other: reinvent, reframe, reinvigorate ...
How about, for 2014, you just decide to start from a fresh perspective?
Find a way to utilize information in a new way you haven't previously considered. Go ahead -- push yourself to make the "change" from rotary to push button ...
No, we can't claim to be the originator of that phrase. You might understand this perspective better if we share the source. (Many people ask you if you have a "minute or two.") We're not asking but suggesting that you find 15 minutes in your schedule today to view, "How Great Leaders Inspire Action," so you discover the "gold" in your Golden Circle:
Then begin with the first step of a 12-month journey to "Better Your Business Opportunities®."
For 2014, we've developed an exclusive editorial calendar with in depth detail on key elements of marketing designed to help you make this your most successful year.
Your bonus in taking this journey? We've made our editorial calendar a baker's dozen -- an extra bonus month of expert insight that details how to perform an effective analysis of your activities, so you can keep moving in a positive direction towards your goals.
We invite you to step out of your comfort zone: Move over a little, take a different seat, view things from a different position. Some of the pointers we provide will be direct and visible; others will be more subtle and intangible. We aim to offer the kind of content that gets you thinking about how to you can add new items to your priority list (while you retire the old rehashed ones) and implement the ones that offer the best potential.
The first step in the series: Thinking of the "US" in USP or Uncover Strategic Potential.
How many overused, jaded phrases do you know that herald a new year? Or to describe a fresh start? Maybe the ones you know start with a "re-"something or other: reinvent, reframe, reinvigorate ...
How about, for 2014, you just decide to start from a fresh perspective?
Find a way to utilize information in a new way you haven't previously considered. Go ahead -- push yourself to make the "change" from rotary to push button ...
No, we can't claim to be the originator of that phrase. You might understand this perspective better if we share the source. (Many people ask you if you have a "minute or two.") We're not asking but suggesting that you find 15 minutes in your schedule today to view, "How Great Leaders Inspire Action," so you discover the "gold" in your Golden Circle:
Then begin with the first step of a 12-month journey to "Better Your Business Opportunities®."
For 2014, we've developed an exclusive editorial calendar with in depth detail on key elements of marketing designed to help you make this your most successful year.
Your bonus in taking this journey? We've made our editorial calendar a baker's dozen -- an extra bonus month of expert insight that details how to perform an effective analysis of your activities, so you can keep moving in a positive direction towards your goals.
We invite you to step out of your comfort zone: Move over a little, take a different seat, view things from a different position. Some of the pointers we provide will be direct and visible; others will be more subtle and intangible. We aim to offer the kind of content that gets you thinking about how to you can add new items to your priority list (while you retire the old rehashed ones) and implement the ones that offer the best potential.
The first step in the series: Thinking of the "US" in USP or Uncover Strategic Potential.