Hypixel Skyblock - Spruce Minion explained #Shorts

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Hypixel Skyblock - Spruce Minion explained #Shorts

The Spruce Minion is part of the Spruce Wood Collection and unlocked at Step 1, which requires a total of 50 farmed Spruce Wood.
The crafting recipe is 80 Spruce Wood with a wooden axe and the ideal layout is this, where the minion is on the same y-level as the earth around it with enough space above to grow trees.
The minion will generate on average 4 Spruce Wood per harvest, resulting in an average revenue of around 24 Coins per harvest.
To upgrade the minion to the max craftable level of 11 you need a total of 163.632 Spruce Wood including the initial 80 Spruce Wood to craft it.
Buying every ingredient on its own and not in an compacted or enchanted form will cost you in total around 981.792 Coins.
Upgraded to the fullest, it has a max own storage of 960 and a TBA of 27 seconds.
At level 11, the minion will generate 1.11 harvests per minute.
This results in around 1.598 coins per hour or 38.352 coins per day (24h) of average revenue.
Meaning, the minion payed for itself after a bit more than 25.5 real life days.

#Minion #HypixelSkyblock #MinionExplained #Spruce #SpruceWood #Skyblock
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do you get spruce wood lvls from the minion or no?
