Huge Phalaenopsis Hunt and Haul

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This is the second video of my visit of Schwerter Orchideenzucht.

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The more I watch you videos, the more I am interested in phals. Thank you for another gem of a video and happy weekend!


I love, 2, 9 & 18.... Really interesting that..


Our local nursery doesn't bother to wrap in summer...just puts them in a plastic tray on off I go in the outside with the wind, rain, etc. In winter, they wrap them with the dry cleaner style plastic, which is just aweful again in the wind and the snow, etc. I don't know how I made it home recently with a tall phrag spike still intact despite all the elements.
It's really hard to pick from any of those numbered primary hybrids. Yours was quite lovely. Thanks for sharing your visit to Schwerter.


I also picked and have stayed with #2 all throughout your plentiful choices ! 😊 Great haul!


I narrowed it down to 1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 27. 🙄 lovely primary!!! Great addition to your collection. I have never been to a nursery, or orchid show but will attend the big San Diego one in March. I like 2 nurseries on other side of States, one has so many new primaries/ species phals...alas...cold weather ( not here!) Prevents shipment. 😫 so in a way, taking this time to acquire Other Than Phals, really expanding variety & this is great. 👏 breaking away from compulsion for phals is good thing, and there's the March I love your videos, please keep them coming! Must've been hard to watch your new chid being wrapped badly. Now in your good care. Sorry so chatty here! ( lots coffee)


I think I like #8 of all the siblings :). Thanks for sharing the phals tour!


I know you said that you found No. 10 quite plain ... However, that was my favourite ... It didn't have lots of spots like the others & look so busy & the colour was more subdued


Very nice video. I am surprised about the attitude of the person packing the orchids. I recently ordered a flowering phal liodora from schwerter and thankfully it came in very good condition. I am sure your plants will do great in your care. Fingers crossed...


what a treat thank you so so so much i'm really mesmerized, i loved the luddemanianna x wu ! my favourite primary hybrid was 14r , i love how the top contrasted with the bottom lip area, it seemed more spotty and the background more white! could have been the lighting too :), this all contrasting with the blotchy bottom sepals and lip ... oh and i am a sucker for phals!!


What a beautiful primary hybrid! I have a stuartiana punctatissima from Schwerter and some of the flowers are indeed very similar, personally I would have picked number 7 or 12 :)


So sad about the careless attendant at the nursery. I am sure your love and attention will make it up to the plant. I can see why you would rant about it. I think I liked number 5 but they were all beautiful. I got mesmerized after a few pictures. Your is lovely. Have a great rest of your week.


Great video, I enjoyed watching it a lot. I love the hybrid you picked. I would have chosen the one with lots of spots and colour, more like stortiana too! I liked also the ones with twisted petals and stortiana shaped lip, but all the good traits did not go in one hybrid. Thanks again for filming the phals at Schwerter, but don't they going to do any thing about mis labelled orchids? Have you ever talked to anyone in there about it?


11 was my favorite ! But 2 was very beautiful ❤️


Hi BB. I liked them all and it would have taken me ages to make my selection. I think I liked the wavy edged ones best though. Your pick is gorgeous.
I just wish we could a see little of the variety you have in Europe. In Australia, we are sadly lacking and it’s so expensive to order from abroad, the prices can be prohibitive, not to mention the time they spend in quarantine, up to 3 months or so.


Wow! Impressive how much variation of shapes and colours between each individual plant of phalaenopsis virides x stuartiana punctatissima! It's difficult to choose, but I think I like best number 27. I liked also 2, 5, 11, 14, 17 and 18. Others were nice too. Very hard to choose! I like the spots! I also like the p. equestris alba x lindenii, it's so pretty and delicate! I like a lot the plant you bought, it's one of those I liked best. Looks very pretty under the light at your home. The colour is softer than at the nursery's light. Such a pity so many roots were damaged! She wasn't careful enough. But the plant will be ok. Nevertheless, it's such a pity because they were good looking roots. Do the flowers have a fragrance? beautiful orchid! :) Thanks for sharing, and have a great weekend!


I am astounded by the lack of care Schwerter puts into their wrapping / packaging ... my shipments all came with substantial damage & I spent serious €€€ as well as give them the benefit of the doubt 3x ... not a single plant was in adequate condition (I’m German living in Spain) ... I am now even more shocked to see that a ‘pick up’ has similar results while being packed! And attitude 😳... kinda explains it all! I left feedback on their web page on my first order (not direct email so as to test their customer service via webpage and heard nothing at all! I have not complained directly because I’m not that kind of person... but if someone takes the time to leave feedback then the company should acknowledge it) Schwerter are overrated imo and I’m also angry for what I see / hear on this video ! I’m sorry that the joy of a new orchid was somewhat tainted by their lack of care and lack of discretion toward you as a customer! It’s a beautiful cross!! Thank you for sharing .... honestly... I thought I was the ‘only one’ annoyed with Schwerter ... still happy growing 🤩👍🏼


Omg! Spikes and roots in danger from careless clerks... my pet peeve too!!! This girl at Home Depot check out said to me, “that’s so pretty! Is it real?”, as she dug her long thumb nail into one of the leaves of the Cattleya I was purchasing. She said, “oh, yeah, that’s real alright.” I just bit my lip, since at that point the damage was done & it was very minor, but still!! I wonder how long I’ll have to look at that half inch long parentheses mark on my beautiful leaf. 🙄. Thanks for a great video. (#3 was my favorite)


I <3 your pic!!! I'd pick green anyday!!!


I want to get #25 when I purchase my home. Happy growing from your PhalPal Durrell ❤️❤️❤️❤️


No problem with telling them to take care or asking for a discount because they ruined my plants, The customer is always right 😁 And if they are difficult I ask for the manager (they really hate that)
