Synco G2 A2 Review - Affordable 2 Person Wireless Microphone Kit

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This is possibly one of the best values in wireless audio gear for the beginner or intermediate filmmaker looking to step up their game with a dual-channel microphone, for 2 people. Synco G2 is a serious competitor to more expensive options from Rode, Saramonic, and Sennheiser.

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00:00 - Synco G2 Microphone Review
00:41 - Synco G2 A2 Audio Samples
01:24 - Synco Built-In Mic Audio Sample
02:35 - Sanken COS-11 Audio Sample
02:52 - Sennheiser ME2 Audio Sample
03:15 - Unique Pro’s to Synco
04:37 - What’s included?
05:24 - Synco Build Quality
06:10 - Distance Test
08:36 - Conclusion

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Hi! I’m Chadwick. I’ve been a full-time professional video editor and filmmaker for 20 years. Creative Video Tips helps you craft stories that make a difference and stand out. I post new videos every week to help you learn how to make better videos. Learn how to create great video content with tutorials about everything from capturing great-looking and sounding video to the post-production editing tricks that pull it all together. I also upload gear reviews about filmmaking gear too!

#CreativeVideoTips #Synco #MicrophoneReview
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 - Synco G2 Microphone Review
00:41 - Synco Built-In Mic Audio Samples
01:24 - Synco Lavalier Audio Sample
02:35 - Sanken COS-11 Audio Sample
02:52 - Sennheiser ME2 Audio Sample
03:15 - Unique Pro’s to Synco
04:37 - What’s included?
05:24 - Synco Build Quality
06:10 - Distance Test
08:36 - Conclusion


Great video. You have great public speaking skills and you are so comfortable on camera…I’m jealous


Thank you for your video. You just caused me to order this. I know that I’m going to be satisfied especially after watching you test it on your video. I also have a cheaper set that I bought for like 24 bucks. They’re not bad. They’re actually pretty good but I know that the system that you just showed us is going to be a lot better.


Super professional review, down to earth and helpful. Well done! BTW, I bought this two weeks ago on Amazon and only paid $139! So far so good.


I've had the Saramonic Blink 500 for about 2 years now and I love it. This Synco is priced the same but has more features: hard shell case, channel gain, unit LCDs, 3 head charge cable and the receiver headphone jack. If I have to replace mine, I'd consider the Synco for sure. Thanks for the review.


What a coincidence I tapped on this video, I was looking for these kind of mics so my team and I can film for our school’s morning news. Thank you for doing this review!


Great review of the Synco, it is so important to know about the limits for drop range and the performance of the set. thanks for the recommendation Chadwick !
I will be adding this to my audio tool set . great video


Hey man, just wanted to tell you that your content is super useful and amazing. keep up the good work.


There are several slightly different models of G2. Beware of a more recent model with the button showing a squiggle for enabling noise suppression. It cannot be fully turned off. L (low) and H (high) cause noticeable volume drops that randomly kick in or out, but with noise suppression fully off, the volume drops still occur, though more subtly.


Not bad for the price and cool that it includes a lav. Looking forward to your review of the DJI mic. That setup looks pretty sweet. I think the lack of onboard recording on this will keep me awsy.


Is it possible to transmit to multiple numbers of receivers if I purchase another set??
I mean, can a receiver catch the sound transmitted from a transmitter of another set?

I already have a set of G1A2, and want to use it like a Walkie-Talkie machine for several numbers of people so that they can hear my voice at site visits😊


Great review man! Just subbed to your channel. I just picked one of these up for a interview video shoot this weekend. I will check out the lav, but looks like I might be getting the Syn mic2 as an upgrade for better audio quality. But for now I think I can eq and compress the audio for better sound.


Everyone in the comments needs to use this man's affiliate links for being so generous with his editing knowledge. Good review!


Thank you for this, just came across you. Bought a few days ago at a great sale price and on testing found something I don't like that you didn't mention. It's so easy to hit the mute button. Is there a way you can use these and also have a back up system; I'm new to audio. Great channel.


The Transmitter A lasts for 12 hr 11 min without mic. Receiver and Transmitter B are still working without any input to a video device and without any mic . 😮


hi there, When I record on my iPhone and try to record stereo sound it does not have 2 audio waves, only one, when I use a record app, I can get.2. but for some reason both audio waves are the exact same as if there's only one mic, am I doing something wrong? I would like to be able to split them and be independent sounds. do I have to use a camera?


Being 2.4Ghz it is very important that antenna oration is not 90 degrees to each other unless the device has dual or multi antennas. As to the Unit not having built in recorders well when the ROADE wireless GO 2 is configured w/ Lavs it $500. or 250% more in cost.
Can U possibly do a video on the Pixel UHF Wireless Lavalier Microphone System


It sounds really hot. Is it quite a bit hotter than the Rode Go or Go2?


Having trouble finding the exact tutorial you mentioned on independently editing 2 channels. I’m always wary of mic kits with a single receiver bc I fear it’s going to bake all the sound into one file.


I used this with my s21 ultra for the first time today, and I'm getting a hiss in the background.

My friend used it on his iPhone 13 with no hissing.

Has me really confused, how can i stop this ?
