How The Wrong Woman Can Ruin A Man’s Life

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Have you ever heard the saying, ‘behind every great man, you will find a great woman?’ If this saying is true, the opposite should also be true, ‘behind every defeated man, you might find a woman who ruined his life.’ In today’s video, Patrick Bet-David talks about the consequences of marrying the wrong woman and what you should do to prevent that from happening.

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Love is NOT enough. You need shared values.


I married the wrong woman and she ruined my life. I didnt even see my son for a few years. However, it backfired big time. He moved in with me on his 18th birthday because he hated her so much. The same toxicity she brought to my life she brought to his. Rebuild you life men! Believe in yourself and take Gods hand


This message really hits home for me. My first wife took a big step toward destroying me. I was a wreck, emotionally, personally, and professionally for 8 years. The only thing that kept me going was she walked away from our two kids and I had to be strong for both of them. Dating was always chaos and drama because of my ex. Finally got stationed 800 miles away, was able to take my kids, and then met my current wife. We became an unstoppable team. My professional life reflected the great things that happened in my personal life. She supported me, I supported her.
Our five kids (she had three) are all grown and very successful. I've since been able to retire and she has her own very successful accounting firm. It's amazing what a couple can do when they work together and support each other.


“Behind every defeated man you’ll find a women who ruined his life” this is one of the realest things I’ve ever heard, I’m living proof of it


The older you get the wiser you become and start to realize how much this is so important for both man and woman especially in todays society!!!


In 1999 I was about to finish an MBA, had a great apartment, a new Honda Accord, worked at the university as a graduate assistant, worked freelance, bartended and waited tables in an upscale bistro, and I was in phenomenal shape. Then I met Alison. A year later the only thing I had left was the diploma, and it would take me three or four years to recover. Now we have YouTube with endless videos on Borderline Personality Disorder, but back then there was just nothing and I was very lost and really struggled.


How can I not like this? You are telling the story of my life. My one time marriage 10 years ago ruined my life. I'm still recovering from that. Guys if your partner is sucking the energy out of you, not happy, constant nagging, etc. If your relationship is drama, Just drop it. It's not worth it .


Dead on, I was with a woman for nearly 20 years who didn't understand my goals, and frankly didn't understand my thought process, she (and her mother) criticized me every step of the way, I was moderately successful in spite of it thankfully and am now with a woman who is head over heals for who I am and what I do, so far it's been the best time of my life, and I genuinely feel like I'm gaining traction and making more progress mentally and creatively than ever before.

The right woman is key, it's far better to be with no woman than to be with the wrong one.


I resonate with this so much. I was in a toxic relationship with a girl who was my former best friend for over a decade. We only dated for a year and it was hell. She was constantly causing drama and arguments related to her insecurities and random stuff. She displayed so many narcissistic traits. She took me away from my work to cause stupid drama, no respect for my time at all then would call me selfish for wasting her time when she started all the arguments. She hurt my business so much, but after we broke up I bounced back and I'm stronger than ever. If it was anyone else I would have left in a heartbeat, but she was my best friend for so long before we dated so that clouded my judgement. I am so lucky that we only dated for a year and nothing more, and that I was able to learn and bounce back. I really hope anyone going through a tough time is able to keep going until they see the light.

No storm lasts forever, every storm passes.


After 23 years of marriage, I can absolutely say that the best thing we ever did was take our time and have all of those discussions. We were totally on board about spending about where we would live about our parents about our future responsibilities for parents about children about the education and raising of the children.We had the same vision for a future.


This is so true! As a divorced woman, I agree with everything you said.


I'm 47 male, I was married for 20yrs, 3 years divorced..
I can Honestly say that you are 100% right. I got married at 24. that's probably one of the worst decisions I've ever made. I don't regret at all having 2 kids, but I do regret marrying the wrong person. we had different values and morals, I'm not saying I was perfect. There was no Compatability. my advice to all the young fellas out there... DONT MARRY AMERICANIZED WOMEN!


I remember dating a girl who I liked and was committed to. Laying in bed one night she goes “if you ever got me pregnant, I’d leave you and take the kid. You never asked my permission to have my baby so you can’t have it.” I knew right there I was going to be gone. Pro tip to any guy wondering if he should continue with a woman: if you can look back at your life and If it is better now with her than it was without her, she’s a keeper. If it’s worse, bail while you can. Even the things like work that have nothing to do with her. If you had a better job before her but now are stuck in a dead end job with her, leave! She has something to do with that. Women can either boost or tear down your confidence subconsciously, they don’t even have to outright trying to. Do you have a chick your proud to call yours, or are you scared people will see you out with that pet iguana with lipstick on? Will she hit the gym with you or does she get out of breath going up stairs? Speaking from experience boys. It’s better to drop her and the “what could’ve been” than to sink deeper into her quicksand. Because when the ship of your life goes down the woman gets the life boat to safety while you drown. Stay safe out there.


100% accurate! I married a girl from my church, I mistakenly thought that because she was "christian" that we had the same values and belief system. 12 years of literal hell, then she divorced me, got full custody of my 2 children, alienated them from me. I suffered from depression for 20 years afterwards. Totally ruined my life. Loss of ambition, loss of purpose, emotionally destroyed. Patrick is telling the 100% truth here!


100% agree! This needs to be talked about more!


As a mom of 2 grown men, I agree. However, we taught our boys to be gentlemen, loving, to listen, show honor, by being an example in my husband’s and mine’s marriage. Married 32 years now. They are now both married to 2 amazing women and I couldn’t be more blessed to have them join our family. Marriage is a dying to Self and giving our all. It’s a beautiful commitment between 2 people. Blessed!❤️


You hit it right on the head. I got married young when I was in the Marines and it was the worst decision I ever made. I got a beautiful daughter out of it. But it destroyed me. I was on a great career path in the military on my way to Officer Candidate School and my 1st wife destroyed my career and my life during that period. I was able to claw my life back but it made everything 10 times harder than it needed to be. I wish I saw this video 20 years ago. I would definitely be in a totally different position than I am in now. Thanks Patrick for making this video. I wish more young men see this and don't make the same mistakes that I did early in life.


Values over everything. Shared purpose in life and all your goals align. 10 years married. 3 kids. Married at 30 only after I realized love is not a feeling but a decision you make.


Almost got a tear in my eye when he said, "You're amazing", Damn that hit hard bro


Dude, 28k a year at marriage, last year 185k thx to the support of my wife. She believed in me more than i did myself. Got friends however that did not get so blessed (there is no luck Pat, only blessings and mistakes) so be careful who you choose
